16 - Where are they?

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Everyone realized Bryan was missing. They checked everywhere expect two places: The Vents and The Room. Kat and Quinny left already.

Glitchtrap and Kat/Hotel Baby were waiting for Bryan to wake up. Kat/Hotel Baby felt a little concerned about what Glitchtrap added. But she thought it was nothing important.
Glitchtrap turned Bryan on.

 Glitchtrap turned Bryan on

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Glitchtrap noticed that Kat's eye color changed from dark green to green

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Glitchtrap noticed that Kat's eye color changed from dark green to green.

"Go away, Elizabeth...." Glitchtrap said.

"B-But....what did you do to Bryan?" Elizabeth asked

"Nothing important right now...." Glitchtrap answered, "Anyways, Kat."

"Yes?" again, her eye color changed but from green to dark green.

"Get Bryan out of here" Glitchtrap said.

"Okay," Kat said.

With the others
Most of them got lost so they had to find each other in the vents.
They heard Circus Baby nearby.
So they tried looking for her and they found her. She had green eyes. She was really quiet. She turned on Bryan. She waved to everyone else while she said "H-Hey guys!" They all waved back.

(173 words)

Hey, I made an ask or Dare thing so feel free to check it out: https://my.w.tt/LVVEu2Gt02

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