22 - ...........Bryan...

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The last person they had to ask...was..........Bryan...
They all had some second thoughts about it but they all believe that if you talk about your problems, it's going to make you feel better. All three knocked on the door at the same time. Bryan answered after a few minutes. He invited them in.

"....what do you guys want.....?" He asked.

They asked him....

He was....quiet for a bit....

Bryan's Point of View

I was going to my theme park. I saw Glitchtrap there, he waved. We talked for a bit. Then I was about to go to Circus Baby's Tent.....The moment I had my back turned, he knocked me out.

I woke up in the room,
Baby told me about what happened to everyone else......I didn't believe her so she pointed to Ersa's suit, I only got to look for a few seconds before I got knocked out again. I woke up again... Glitchtrap opened the door, he didn't know I was awake. Baby was offline...I ran out of the room....I didn't get very far.....cause I was grabbed by Glitchtrap. Baby turned on. Glitchtrap took me to the entrance of the room, I only looked at it for a few seconds before Glitchtrap threw me in. I backed up until Baby grabbed me and put me back on my feet. Then she went next to Glitchtrap. He walked up to me. We looked at each other for a while. Until he hit my eye three times. I couldn't see out of that eye.....Baby's eye color changed from a dark green eye to a green one. She seemed surprised. Then I got stabbed twice. The last thing I saw was Baby mad, yelling something but I didn't know what.....then I died, of course.

No-one's POV

Everyone went quiet. A few moments later, They gathered all the Animatronics. They told them what happened. They all looked at each other then at Bryan....sad.

(332 words)
That was just sad....so were the other three parts. Anyways, I hope that you have a great rest of the day/night!

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