Seven- The 13th Doctor

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"Why would the doctor send you here?" River asks Artemus raising an eyebrow.

Artemus shakes his head "he wouldn't tell me, he made it clear, me, the 11th, and Clara saved here till he comes back..."

River sips from her glass of tea remaining quiet and Artemus looks at her "why are you so calm?"

River shrugs "it's just good to see you and The Doctor so young but at least he knows me. It must be killing you Artemus you knowing the doctor better than even me and yet you're a stranger...."

Artemus smiles making light of the situation "I meant many people I know who don't know me it is part of being a time traveler..."

River nods taking another sip of tea "but those people weren't The Doctor, those friends weren't your-"

The doctor interrupts bursting into the room "sorry but just a quick question?"

River turns facing the doctor and Artemus smiles "listening in Doctor?"

The Doctor places his hands to his bowtie straightening it "no, I'm a time traveler thousands of years old I would never 'listen in'"

Artemus leans over smiling at the Doctor "curiosity can get a smart man killed, you taught me that..."

River smiles taking another sip of tea examining the doctor and young man in front of her "Artemus is right, Doctor, knowing too much is dangerous better not to be spoiled, just yet..."

River turns to Artemus "you seem restless. what aren't you telling me?"

Artemus remains quiet and River stands from sitting "Artemus?"

She places her hand on Artemus's shoulder and leans over whispering to him and when she finishes he nods to her agreeing "yes, Melody..."

River watches as Artemus turns to walk out but he stops hearing River's voice "you shouldn't worry yourself...."

Artemus shakes his head "I'm not worried..."

River grins "trust him..."

Artemus nods "I do..."

River shakes her head "you never have..."


An older Koverian walks up to the command deck of a large space ship and stops in front of an older Doctor. She sighs through her words "Sir..."

The Doctor turns back slightly "it's been years but this date is the day everything started this day is the day the time wars, standstill..."

Koverian nods "The Silence will follow you anywhere Doctor just point and we will be there..."

The Doctor shakes his head "Loses have already been too great! I have been avoiding this day for thousands of years. I cannot avoid it, not anymore. The time lock has to happen today. I can feel it, time is shifting .if it keeps going the universe will collapse around us..."

Kovarian nods agreeing "The Silence will stand by you, Doctor, we still have 25% of our troops it is plenty to take Gallifrey's main building. we can break down the counsel's doors and hold out long enough.."

The Doctor shakes his head "there will be no killing or compromise. today time travel ends for the Time Lords of Gallifrey and the Daleks of Skaro..."

Kovarian steps closer "you don't have to do this. a great man once said to me that time can be rewritten. Doctor this is time and it can be rewritten..."

The Doctor, smiles, "Artemus was right to tell you that but he left off a very important point. It is true certain points in time, minor points can be rewritten but fixed points like this, like now, cannot be rewritten. The death of the time lords, the time lock, all must happen that is why I am giving the order. The Silence remaining fleets will fall back and return to the future, you must never return here Kovarian, time must stand as it is now, fixed until the death of all time lords...."

Kovarian shakes her head "Doctor with all due respect you do not control The Silence we respect you yes and admire your actions but we will not allow you to get yourself killed ..."

The Doctor shakes his head "I had a feeling you would say that Kovarian so I took it upon myself. In 30 seconds this ship will fill with a toxin which will put you along with the remaining members of the silence into a deep sleep when you awake it will be 4 weeks from this date and you will be back in the future..."

Kovarian steps forward "Doctor, don't do this, not today, not now. he will not forgive me if I let this happen..."

The Doctor nods "he will understand..."

Kovarian shakes her head "don't pretend to know what he will and will not understand. I will not be the one to have to tell him this, I had made one promise and I will not..."

The doctor smiles leaning down making eye contact with Kovarian "this is not and will never be your fault as my son he will understand me..."

Kovarian clutches onto the control panel next to her eyeing the men and women around her passing out "don't you lie to me doctor, not today, not here, he will not forgive you for this..."

Kovarian falls forward passing out and the doctor nods "I know he won't, but he will always forgive you, it is me he will come to hate for this but I am ready to be hated..."

The Doctor places his screwdriver down on the control panel next to Kovarian's passed out body "but there must always be a Doctor and what a Doctor he will be, legends will be made on such a name and people will refer to good men and women everywhere as "Doctor's." That is where River Song was wrong the term Doctor did not come from me. I am no good man, but him, he will be that Doctor, the Doctor, who has a name..."

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