12 - the last time lord

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The eleventh doctor looks on watching the life clock count slowly down and listens to Kavarian's voice "we shut off all forms of transportations the time lords are trapped in the library...."

The eleventh doctor interrupts "I killed them, me! I remember killing them..."

Artemus nods towards the doctor "yes but fixed points can be rewritten as long as the end result remains the same..."

The eleventh doctor yells at Artemus "I remember I did this it was me I killed the time lords, the Daleks, me!"

Artemus nods "that's the way you always told it from the time I was young the man called the Doctor killed his own race to save the universe...."

The eleventh doctor yells "and I did, I killed them, I..."

Artemus watches the life counter continue to decrease and the eleventh doctor questions "didn't I?"

Kavarian looks down eyeing the console in front of her "50% of the time lords have been wiped out there is still time if you want to change your mind..."

Artemus shakes his head "never, this is fixed the death of the time lords need to happen..."

The Doctor walks up beside Artemus "why are you doing this, revenge? Is that really the reason?"

Artemus closes his eyes and ignores the doctor who yells at him "answer me!"

Kavarian reads off "25% of the time lords remain, sir, there is still time, Artemus..."

Artemus yells "no! The time lords must die history can never be changed, it is fixed and must happen..."

The Doctor shakes his head gripping his temples, he whispers, "it never worked, the moment, the time lock, that's not how I remember it, it was successful, they all were annihilated, I saw..."

Artemus nods "we are called the silence because it is who we are Doctor; we come in silence we are not noticed or seen not even recognized by time itself, almost like a whisper..."

The Doctor grips Artemus's shoulder and eyes him "why are you doing this?"

Kavarian interrupts "because the moment never worked doctor it froze time but only for a mere few minutes when time came about the war would go forward and the doctor would be dead..."

The Doctor shakes his head "I was there during my eighth life I saw it. I activated the moment and I destroyed everything..."

The Doctor looks to Kavarian who looks up at the counter ignoring him then he looks back to Artemus who shakes his head turning away "I lived with it forever I killed my own people now you're telling me it never happened?"

Artemus remains quiet and the Doctor yells, "Answer me!"

Artemus turns back "like I said we were there but you did not see it and that is the way history must remember it..."

The Doctor comes up to Artemus griping him "I know what I saw there were no ships, no-"

Kavarian interrupts "you saw what you wanted yourself to see..."

The Doctor turns to Kavarian letting his grip loosen on Artemus "what do you mean what I wanted myself to see?"

Artemus breaths out "my doctor sacrificed himself to destroy a whole world, his world..."

Kavarian interrupts "Artemus..."

Artemus turns to her and she looks down "he needs to hear this. he did it to buy us time so that we may complete what he could not, the time lords must die and I can understand your pain doctor..."

The doctor eyes Artemus "don't pretend to understand anything about my pain..."

Artemus turns away from the doctor and the doctor glances up at the life counter eyeing the number continuing to count down questioning, "Is this it then? Is this really how the great time lords die at the hands of shadows?"

Artemus interrupts "you were trying to tell me for so long the stories about the man in the blue box they were not stories at all but history..."

The Doctor glances up eyeing the young man in front of him remaining quiet "I always hated you Doctor never giving straight answers and all you ever did was lie. so much lying but I understood it now why it is the Doctor always lies, but you never have to lie again never to me not anymore because I am-"

Kavarian interrupts "Artemus..."

He looks up to Kavarian and she shakes her head "do not, remember what the doctor, your doctor told you..."

Artemus nods "of course but I want him to know that I am so sorry for this and that I understand now..."

Artemus turns to the console and begins pushing buttons and Kavarian looks up "Artemus?"

He nods to Kavarian and she shakes her head "what are you doing?"

He ignores her and continues working on the console and Kavarian looks down "Artemus, stop..."

He takes out the screwdriver and places it on the console next to him and Kovarian speaks "what are you doing Artemus why can't I control the teleports now?"

He nods to Kovarian "he said I would be an amazing Doctor, he lies so much and he knew it..."

Kovarian shakes her head "don't be stupid Artemus not now you always act stupid not today...."

He laughs, "Do you remember that red dress Kovarian the one you wore the first day you meant me?"

Kovarian nods looking confused "of course 1800s, England I was 15..."

Artemus smiles "you were absolutely amazing Madame Koavarian..."

Artemus presses a button, and disappears making Kovarian look down as one of the officers announces, "The counter went up one Madame..."

Kovarian questions "why?"

The Doctor interrupts "the complete annihilation of the time lords all of them except one..."

Kovarian looks up angry at the Doctor "you, this is your fault!"

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