Eight- Time Lock

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The eleventh doctor sits in a chair with a fez on and River Song looks him over "you look like an idiot..."

He points to the fez "it's a fez, fezzes are cool..."

A voice interrupts "their stupid..."

Artemus takes off the fez and throws it across the room and the Doctor stands "was that really necessary?"

River laughs, "It really was..."

Artemus smiles but looks to his hands "it feels wrong..."

River stands "is this it?"

Artemus smiles "I think we are finally leaving..."

The doctor questions, "Leaving, we just got here?"

Artemus shakes his head "no, time feels different, I feel...."

River whispers "older..."

Artemus shakes his head "something is wrong..."

The doctor blinks focusing his eyes realizing he is back handcuffed to the same pole and looks up eyeing Clara and Artemus.

Artemus turns seeing an older Kovarian standing by a console. She walks up to him and smiles "Artemus Songs, you're so young..."

He smiles "only a couple thousand give or take..."

She laughs, "I had forgotten your humor, I have seen you, older versions but never the same man you are now..."

He smiles looking around "so then The Doctor, where is he?"

Kovarian looks down, "there is something we must discuss but not here, with them..."

The eleventh Doctor interrupts "hello, yes would you be so kind as to un-cuff me..."

Artemus ignores the Doctor and Clara walks over eyeing the handcuffs then turns back "Artemus?"

He turns around nodding and tosses one of the screwdrivers in his pocket to Clara who un-cuffs The Doctor. Artemus walks around the room but stops "I felt something, something I didn't like, what was it Kovarian?"

Kovarian looks down "I think it's best if we don't do this here, the shadows are quite aggressive. We both know anger like yours would attract them..."

Artemus walks up to Kovarian and leans down making eye contact "you haven't seen the extent of my anger if you don't answer me now where is The Doctor?"

Kovarian lies "I don't know..."

Artemus grips Kovarian by the neck walking her towards the Shadows "Kovarian you saw what these shadows can do? Tell me now..."

Kovarian reaches for Artemus's hand begging him "Artemus don't..."

He leans towards her "tell me..."

She reaches for her pocket pulling out a screwdriver and whispers "I don't know..."

He grips her neck tighter pushing her towards the shadows "don't lie to me!"

As she gets inches from a shadow Artemus stops hearing The Doctor's voice "are you really going to kill that woman?"

Artemus glances back "stay out of this Doctor you don't know what I am capable of when pushed to the right moment...."

The Doctor walks up to Artemus side nodding "oh, I think I do but killing her won't solve anything. In fact, it will just make things worse, as I see it she came here to rescue you, she's not an enemy of yours..."

Kovarian nods "please, we, we were friends once, Earth, remember Earth?"

Artemus releases his grip "Earth is dead..."

Kovarian runs her hands along her neck and glances to the Doctor then back to Artemus she presses a button on her wrist "we are ready, get us out of here..."

The four of them are beamed up into a silence ship command deck and Artemus questions "what have you done Kovarian?"

She shakes her head "we tried, we tried so hard but he's the Doctor no one defeats the Doctor..."

Artemus turns back angry with Kovairan and she steps back "I tried and spent 10 years trying. We recruited and trained thousands but every time he knew, every time..."

Artemus yells, "You should have tried harder..."

Kovarian holds out a screwdriver to Artemus "it's locked with a password of some kind I am guessing you know the answer..."

Artemus throws up the screwdriver and catches it "I want to go there, take me there..."

Kovarian shakes her head "he won't allow it he knows everything before it happens..."

Artemus smiles "of course he does he's a time lord..."

Kovarian watches as Artemus steps towards her smiling "but so am I..."

He points towards the Doctor and Clara "you two should leave, now...."

The Doctor goes to turn around but Clara stops him "when we were there in that virtual World River Song said something to me..."

Artmeus nods "River Song says a lot sometimes too much..."

Artemus turns back to the console and Kavarian goes to speak but she stops hearing Clara ask the question "why have you never seen the Snow?"

Kavarian cuts in turning towards Clara angry "don't ask those kinds of questions..."

Clara steps towards Kavarian "I wouldn't ask unless I wanted to know so why then, why haven't you ever seen snow? You're a time lord you could travel anywhere so why not see it?"

Kavarian goes to speak but is cut off by Artemus's laughing, "Why not eh? Why not indeed I could just travel couldn't I in that blue box seeing it all, right?"

Artemus takes out the screwdriver pointing it at Clara "Doctor, take her away and never come back here before I do something that you may hate me for..."

Clara continues, "River Song said you see snow a lot but for some reason you always leave when it's snowing, she said to ask you why you leave?"

Artemus holds out his screwdriver pointing it towards her "you don't need to know why that is..."

Clara nods "I don't but River said to ask she said it was important I ask you that question and that I would know when to ask it...."

Artemus laughs, "River Song should mind her own business..."

Clara nods "she said if you said that I was to reply with you are her business..."

Artemus shoves the screwdriver back into his pocket laughing "River Song that woman, I don't like the snow because the last time I saw my family, my whole family it was snowing, and the real kind of snow..."

He shakes his head "would you excuse me there is something I need to do, the TARDIS Kovarian where is it?"

Kovarian nods "down in storage he had left instructions...."

Artemus smiles "a few moments to myself, then we go..."

Artemus begins walking away but stops hearing Kovarian's voice "where are we going?"

Artemus nods to himself "to the day the Time Lock ends...."

Kovarian goes to speak but Artemus cuts in "I am not stopping it, I accept it as he would want but I will at least be there, I wish to see it. will the Silence at least allow me that?"

Kovarian nods "as you say, sir..."

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