10 - The death of the time lords

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Clara questions "The moment?"

The Doctor nods "a device I used a very long time ago, a device that I never spoke of to anyone..."

Artemus smiles "Doctor you and your friend here should be on your way to some adventure..."

The Doctor steps in front of Artemus "I remember time perfectly it was me who destroyed the time lords, I caused the time lock but why can't..."

Artemus smiles patting the Doctor on the arm "no worries doctor..."

The Doctor grips Artemis arms staring him down "I am ready to know who you are..."

Artemus smiles "Artemus Songs did River not tell you?"

The Doctor grips Artemus's arms tighter "your real name or not even a name but who are you, to me?"

Artemus grips the doctor's arms and looks into his eyes and the Doctor steps back in shock nodding his head as he lessens his grip on Artemus and watches him walk out of the TARDIS.

Clara questions "Doctor what's wrong?"

The Doctor shakes his head "I saw my lives all of them in one look in that look..."

Clara shakes her head "I'm sorry, what?"

The Doctor nods to himself "A time lord can heal a lot but it comes at a cost to himself..."

Clara shakes her head "I don't understand..."

The Doctor closes his eyes "you don't need to..."

The Doctor walks out into the main control room and eyes Artemus standing on the large command deck. He walks up beside him and eyes the large planet in front of him and whispers "Gallifrey"

Artemus nods "this is where it ends, no more Time lords or Daleks..."

The Doctor interrupts "The Daleks won't die, they come back this was my biggest mistake..."

Artemus nods in agreement "exactly why I am here you knew when you told me before you knocked me out. You knew I wouldn't listen that I would come here and I won't be going alone..."

Artemus turns back to Kavarian "send it out the message of all messages across space and time the commander of the Silence is calling everyone to this moment, the moment it all started..."

Kavarian nods and beings pressing buttons on the console repeating the message over a recording "to all loyal soldiers of the silence today the commander of the silence calls all willing to arms..."

The Doctor questions "have you gone crazy Artemus? Crossing time lines this is a fixed point a point that cannot be rewritten..."

Artemus smiles "I know the time lords must die and they will but not at the cost of my doctor..."

Artemus turns to Kavarian and they both listen to the voices over the radio reading off the names of their commanding officers. Artemus smiles as Kavarian reads off "ten thousand of the silence fleets have arrived from all points in time we are getting messages within the hour one-hundred thousand men can be here..."

Artemus smiles "give the orders Kavarian I want a full assault on everything I want it all wiped out the Darlek's first make the time lords think we are friendly, I have a different fate for them..."

Kvarian reads off "we have lost two ships, three..."

Artemus nods "tell them to keep pushing forward all I need is time..."

The Doctor questions "Time for what? Thousands of people your people are dying millions have already died in this war do not bring others into it..."

Artemus turns back eyeing the Doctor over and smiles, "they knew the cost and will be remembered and honored as heroes..."

The Doctor yells, "This isn't heroics this is suicide!"

Artemus nods "yes that is exactly what this is Doctor, which is why I will not tell you again leave here, now!"

The Doctor turns to Kavarian "you're going to let him do this?"

Kavarian smiles "if it saves the Doctor then I will trust in the commander of the silence and I will die proudly in his name..."

Artemus interrupts "we aren't dying Kavarian. Sacrifices are the first success in a bad war..."

Kavarian interrupts "twenty ships remaining sir..."

Artemus nods "and how many Darleks?"

Kavarian looks over her console "three sir..."

Artemus smiles "good, we are going to drop the time lock..."

The Doctor interrupts "are you insane?"

Artemus turns back to the Doctor "completely and totally..."

Kavarian interrupts "we won't be able to save him..."

Artemus smiles "I know but they will suffer worse than this. I want them to remember his name..."

Kavarian nods "dropping the time lock in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-"

The Doctor yells, "Don't do this!"

Kavarian smiles "the time lock is dropped and all forms of life have been teleported the time lords have been sent in the future..."

The Doctor interrupts "what do you mean?"

Artemus ignores him and nods to Kavarian "let's go see it then I want them to remember his name..."

The ship is teleported to hovering above a planet and the doctor looks out the large window and whispers "the library..."

Artemus nods and motions to Kavarian who pushes a number of buttons and cameras pop up showing what is going on inside.

The doctor eyes them and turns back to Artemus "what is this?"

Artemus remains quiet and the Doctor yells, "What are you doing!"

Artemus shakes his head "you always told me the story of the time wars they haunted you almost as much as the library..."

The Doctor remains quiet and Artemus smiles "this is my revenge Doctor..."

The Doctor yells, "This is genocide..."

Artemus turns back eyeing the life form counter tick down slowly and smiles to himself, "Doctor you once killed the whole race of the time lords that is what you told me but then I remembered RULE 1..."

The doctor looks down eyeing his shaking hands and looks back up eyeing the back of Artemus and whispers "the doctor lies..."

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