June 27th, 2018

112 9 5

To Parker,

Wow. What improvement.

And I suppose you can call me Amelia Rose. But only because you sent that picture of Fluffernutter.
It is now tacked up on my wall.

And trust me, boy, you are that repulsing. The only one that has started to grow on me is Fluffernutter.
Although I am confused why his name is Fluffernutter.
He looks just about as fluffy as a cactus.

Don't try to butter me up, Princess Boy.
Remember, you already established the only reason you write is because your mom makes you.

I am too old to watch Disney.

You don't like cheeseburgers?!
You're my soulmate.
I mean, not really, but... ugh. What I'm trying to say is that I don't like cheeseburgers either.

We are defiantly not soulmates.
Just to make that clear.


P.S: I am rolling my eyes right now.

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