October 9th, 2018

87 8 2

To Parker,

I thought you were Prince Phillip?

From the Sleeping Beauty thing or whatever.

And if you really must know, my middle name is Cheryl, after my mum.

I think you might have mistaken passing out in fear for swooning?
A common mistake among the male species, believe me.
I would rather live without ever having undergone such an experience, thank you very much. :)

Did you seriously just try to distract me by talking about the way vacuum is spelled?

Did you or did you not deny the fact that I was your girlfriend?
You're treading on thin ice here, Princess Boy.

Oh cry me a river of tears, you can't seriously be jealous of a dog.
But this is you we're talking about.
Of course you can.


P.S: o.O

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