Septer 21st, 2018

93 8 5

Dear(est) Amelia Rose,
You know... princesses don't cry.
But queens sure do.

Shoot, that sounded better in my head, trust me.
What I'm trying to say, Amelia, is that it's okay to not be okay.

And I'm sorry.
About the whole soulmate thing.
If I had known I wouldn't have persisted like that.
I thought I was just being goofy.

But sometimes I don't think before acting.

I'm not going to pretend that I haven't missed your squiggle-writing like hell, but Amelia?

I don't just want to be the imaginary boy in your head.

I want to be real for you.
Because you're real for me.

Sometimes you're like the only real thing in this world.


P.S: I sent you a gift, Princess, hope you like it. :)

Dear Amelia Rose | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now