November 7th, 2018

78 8 0

To Parker,

What am I going to do with you?

I honestly can't tell when you're being playful or when you're being honest.

Please don't toy with me like that.
I really don't like it.
It's not all that nice either.

I happen to like gentleman, you know.

Guys who will open the door for me, or make sure they're standing closer to the road when on a walk.
Guys that like to look nice.
Guys that don't flirt endlessly with a bunch of different girls....
g e n t l e m e n :)

And from what I can tell, Parker Clive Emerson, you aren't a gentleman.
Just a guess.

So no,
I don't like you like that.

I have never even seen you before.


P.S: *insert skeptical face*

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