July 15th, 2018

94 9 5

Dear Amelia Rose,

I did have to, trust me.
And hey, I wouldn't object to a hug. You know where to find me. ;)

And why can't I be both an angel and your soulmate?

I will treasure that sour patch kids bag until I am old and gray, Amelia Rose.

It smells like you, ya know.
Like roses and sugar.
That's how your letters and Fluffernutter's jacket smell as well.

Hehe I know several ways you can thank me.

But for now.... a picture of your lovely face, m'lady?

Please, I just want to see what my true love looks like.
And don't pull that "but I'm ugly" shit on me because I know that you're not.


P.S: Done ;)

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