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Spencer Reid when you went out on a rant,ending in revealing your feelings for him

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Spencer Reid when you went out on a rant,ending in revealing your feelings for him. "So,JJ said that maybe,if I just went outside,then maybe I could find a date. Because,she had-for an odd reason-said that everyone should go out on a date. Saying,that it should be like a double date. But,you know it's more like a Quadruple date. Or maybe it's something else. But,I said I can't go. Because I am not dating someone. And the man I would want to date,definitely doesn't like me."

"The man is dumb."

Your mouth moved without you noticing. It spoke the next words without your consent. "You are not dumb Spencer."

He stared at you,not knowing what to say. When you brain finally caught up to what you had said. "Shit! I gotta go!"

You ran out before Spencer could say anything.


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