Chapter 5

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After being examined by Sheldon, Mona was declared unaffected. She might feel some trauma in pitch-black areas, he said, but for the most part, nothing had changed.

When Jake entered the room, Mona was staring off into space. "Mona?" he quietly shifted her attention.

Mona snapped out of it and looked at Jake. "Hmm? Oh, hey Jake."

"I heard you're fine."

"Yeah. I told you, everything would be okay."

"I wasn't so sure." Jake sighed. "I shouldn't have put you through that. I should've stopped you."

"Don't feel bad. You said yourself that you know I'm stubborn." Mona laughed.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Fire away."

"What was it like? In the recovery chamber."

"Oh. That."

"You don't have to answer, I was just wondering."

"No, it's okay. It was... dark. Just dark. Everywhere I looked it was just darkness."

"How'd you get out then?"

Mona shrugged. "Instincts, I guess. I started swimming in the direction I assumed was up. I don't know how long it was before I saw a tiny crack in the darkness. So I swam toward it, ducked into it in Octopus Form, and here I am." She tilted her head to the side. "Why? What's the recovery normally like?"

"Well, usually, when you are fully drawn into the recovery chamber, you're in an area filled with your color ink. Usually, all you have to do is look up, and there's a giant gaping hole. You swim through it, easy-peasy." Jake thought for a moment. "I'm guessing it was completely dark in there because your color ink was black. Therefore, everything around is pitch-black, leaving you with no sense of direction."

"And the sliver compared to the hole?" Mona prompted.

Jake sighed. "My guess is I screwed up. I didn't make the exit as large as it should've been. I thought it would be a waste of resources."

"It would've been. Any Inkling or Octoling with any color besides black would have found it quicker and easier."

"From what you explained, Mona, you had to swim for a while before you could find it."

"That's probably because I didn't know which way was up. Any other ink color would have light reflected, giving them a clue as to which direction they should swim in."

Jake sighed again. He was becoming a squid of stress. "But that's not the point. I screwed up, Mona. It was because of me that you almost got trapped down there."

"It wasn't your fault Jake. So stop beating yourself up about it."

"Then whose fault is it?" he demanded bitterly.

Mona hesitated for a second before answering. "It's natural selection's fault. If it hadn't given me this stupid defect, you would've had no reason to worry, I would've been out in seconds, and this would never have been a big deal." Mona looked at Jake. "It's not worth beating yourself up over something you can't control."

"I guess... I guess you're right."

"You're okay, Jake. You're okay."


With every day comes a night. With every night comes time to be alone. And tonight, Mona needed that time more than ever.

She exited Sheldon's shop quietly, trying not to wake Sheldon or Jake, who was sleeping over for the night. Out of habit, she started walking toward the Deca Tower, before remembering the Kensa Control. She swivelled midstep and headed toward the grate, right by Sheldon's shop. She slid through it, and entered the area she now knew as Octo Canyon.

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