Chapter 6 (continued)

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"And that's my story," Three concluded.

Mona blinked. "Wow," she murmured, "You've been through a lot. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Life is life, and it will hurt. You just have to deal with it." Three sighed and took a sip of her tea before looking out the window. Her eyes widened as she saw something - someone - coming. "Quick," she hissed, "hide!"

"Wha- why?" Mona protested as Three shoved her near the couch.

"You'll see! Turn into an Octopus and hide under the couch! Now!"

Mona did as she was told, and Three ran back over to the table. She quickly threw two sets of dishes into the sink, and sat down in her chair right when the door was opened.

In walked two... Inktolings? Mona thought Jake was the only one, but apparently there were more. One was a girl, with the eye markings of an Inkling and the ponytail hairstyle of an Octoling. Her eyes were a stunning white. The other was a seemingly pure Inkling, with the hairstyle similar to the classic boy ponytail, but with the more emo look. However, his Inkling-esque mask was purple, like an Octoling who hasn't been exposed to the Calamari Inkantation. Mona had read an article about it the other day, and apparently the melody changed the blood flow of the Octoling, making their mask black instead of magenta.

Three looked up from her tea, as if she didn't see them coming earlier. She stood up. "You aren't supposed to be here. This is private property, you know."

"We don't need a warrant to get into a house that isn't listed. Plus, we're on official company business to find the Octoling that bombed our company meetings here not too long ago." the female cooly stated.

The male nodded. "We're here on account of a witness saying they saw a 'sketchy figure in a blue hoodie' emerge from the grate in Inkopolis Square."

"Well, the grate does have a direct line to this outpost here, but that doesn't mean that this 'sketchy figure' is associated with this place. And I can assure you that you won't find a fugitive hiding in the corner."

"If you don't mind, we would still like to search your cabin. If we find nothing, we will be on our way. If we find the fugitive, you will be charged with hiding the fugitive in your house." the female continued.

"Kindly take your leave. I don't want you to undo all of the time I've spent cleaning."

The employees ignored her and started to walk around, looking for anything incriminating or suspicious. Mona moved away from the front of the couch. A plank of wood made a small creaking sound as she inched across it. One of the employees heard the creaking of the floor, and he went to investigate. Mona moved from under the couch to under the table. The employee looked under the couch.

"Hey. I found something."

Three and Mona's hearts skipped a few beats. The employee reached under the couch, and his hand came out with some black ink residue.

"Miss?" the employee asked.

"Yes?" Three responded.

"Can you please tell me what this ink is from?" He showed his hand to her.

"I have no idea what that could be from."

"Luna!" he called into a back room.

"What is it?"

"Miss has been hiding the fugitive. I've found ink residue under the couch."

"And the color?"

"Purple." he lied, a cunning look in his eyes.

The other employee walked back into the main room, a frown on her face. It was evident Three would be in deep trouble unless someone did something about it. So Mona acted.

"That's not purple ink! It's black!" Mona yelled.

Everyone froze. Even Mona. "Who said that?!" Demanded Luna.

"...I did." Mona said, coming out from under the table.

"State your name, Miss." the male demanded.

"My name is Mona. This executive lied to you about the color of the ink." Mona stated.

Luna's head turned towards the male's.

"A.J." she said darkly.

"Yes ma'am." The Inktoling named A.J. replied with fear.

"Did you lie to me about the color of the Ink?"

"Yes ma'am."

"You apologize to them right now."

"Yes ma'am." A.J. said. He started to bow. "I give you my humble apologies."

"Apology accepted." Three pointed toward the door, eyes blazing. "Now get out."

The employees left the small shack. Three and Mona waited a moment, then simultaneously sighed.

A few moments passed.

Then two yells of fury were heard from outside.

"Oh, come on, Cheshire, of all the times!" Three cursed.

It was at this moment when Lyze entered the room, looking confused and angry.

"What did I do wrong? They were Kensa operatives. And they were IN YOUR HOUSE!"

"What do you think will happen when they respawn?"

Mona could tell the face behind the mask drooped as Cheshire realized. "Crap."

"Exactly. They were looking for you, and you just splat them as they leave, satisfied that you weren't here." Three turned to Mona. "Introduction time before we relocate. Mona, Cheshire. Cheshire, Mona."

Cheshire looked at Mona through his mask. "Mona... Mona, Mona, Mona... wait, I remember you!"

Mona blinked. "I'm sorry, have we met?"

"Yeah! Just a few days ago, actually." Recognition began to spark as he started to unbuckle his mask. Within a few seconds, it dropped to the floor, and Mona was staring into the familiar face of an Octoling boy with bright yellow eyes.

"I'm Lyze. It's so nice to meet you again, Mona."

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