Wanna See Your Future!?!🔮👀

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"Three years is a long time I had to fit in somewhere since you wouldn't allow it to be with you!"  Rieka tells Riddick he looks at her sadly "welcome to the ugliest place in all the known universes! a place where even I can't find any beauty

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"Three years is a long time I had to fit in somewhere since you wouldn't allow it to be with you!"  Rieka tells Riddick he looks at her sadly "welcome to the ugliest place in all the known universes! a place where even I can't find any beauty.... Necropolis!"  Rieka says waving her arm around her at the sights that surround them Riddick unhooks his arm from hers and pulls up his googles to get a better view of his surroundings "beautiful eyes"  Riddick hears a woman say from the other side of him "Riddick meet Dame Vaako Commander Vaako's wife and manipulator"  Rieka introduces Riddick lets out a short breathy chuckle when he sees Dame Vaako scowl at Rieka and he says with a smirk "she must really like you!"  Rieka replies "you know me I'm a people pleaser!"  Riddick laughs his laughter is cut short and he almost chocks when he hears how Rieka introduced him to the Dame "Dame Vaako meet my husband Riddick I know you've been DYING to know who'd be stupid enough to commit to such a feat! oh and I'm guessing the man that preformed the ceremony is dead so I wouldn't go looking for proof!"  Riddick's head turns when he hears Vaako say from behind him "so you're the one....!?!"  he stops, pauses then says in a much softer tone when he sees the expression on Rieka's face "you're not the one!?!"  Rieka tells him "I had no idea he was even on the planet though I'm guessing I know WHY he's here!.... and no it wasn't so he could meet you Dame!.... the only way to catch this mans attention is to put a bounty on his head"  Riddick looks at her as she says "I'm guessing the person in question is also the reason Riddick won the dagger"  bringing the attention back to her Dame Vaako says to Riddick as they all continue walking "the last six Lord Marshals have called this home magnificent, isn't it?"  playing along with her terrible flirting Riddick replies "I might have gone a different way"  Rieka teases "like what beer, beefcakes and babes!?!"  Riddick chuckles then he stops walking when he sees the line of people being converted he looks at Rieka and notices that she has a scar in the same place the needles in the converts necks and it takes everything in him not to reach over and touch them "Converts receiving the mark of the Necromonger they learn how one pain can lessen another"  the Purifier who had joined the now quite large group says "it certainly didn't tickle!"  Rieka mutters in a low voice the Purifier chuckles a set of doors open in front of them and Rieka leads Riddick inside "give me your dagger"  Rieka says Riddick looks at her in surprise "do you honestly believe I would place you somewhere you'd be in danger!?!.... even though you deserve it!"  she asks he hands her the dagger he was just "gifted" "stand there!"  she says pointing to a small platform in the middle of the floor of smoke Riddick does as she orders "I won't leave you!.... you can't make me!.... not this time!!"  she whispers in a tone only he can hear "good!"  he replies in a similar tone (one only she can hear) "the Quasi's are a telepathic but they are in no way gentle about how they do their job"  Rieka says in a tone everyone can hear Riddick looks at her oddly "just don't look away"  she says in a tone only Riddick can hear then she says in a tone everyone can hear "close the doors.... I'll stay out of the way just close the doors!"  the Purifier nods then he closes the doors and they hear a woman's ghostly voice whisper "a new one you've brought us the one"  Rieka mutters sarcastically under her breath "lucky him!"  Riddick chuckles the platform lights up a white-purple color and Riddick falls to his knees "Rid.... look at me!"  Rieka says softly as she kneels down so that his eyes can meet hers his head shoots up their eyes meet and the pain he felt went away instantly "God I've missed you!"  he whispers "and who's fault is that!?!"  she asks he looks at her sadly three pods from inside the walls are lowered to the floor "I'll explain just.... don't look away!"  Rieka says softly "never!"  Riddick whispers with a grunt as he starts to feel a slight migraine  "making entry this won't take long"  a ghostly male voice whispers "welcome back Rieka"  the ghostly woman from before voice says "hello Janessa"  Rieka replies with a smile in her tone "you really do know everyone's name don't you!?!"  Riddick asks as the ghostly male voice says "we've entered his neocortex"  as Rieka says to Riddick "someone around here should!"  Riddick chuckles "be gentle Ammon he's fragile!"  Rieka teases Riddick laughs "ahh! the Riddick!"  the ghostly male voice whispers "regress"  the Lord Marshall orders "scanning fresh memories thoughts of you Rieka and someone named Jack"  a deeper ghostly female voice whispers "nice to know I mean SOMETHING to you!!"  Rieka whispers in a tone only Riddick can hear and he looks at her with a heartbroken expression "now we find thoughts of an Elemental"  the ghostly voice says  "so you met me-maw huh!?!"  Rieka says with a soft chuckle in her tone Riddick looks at her oddly "Furyans"  the ghostly voice says "Zerachiel!?!"  Rieka says with a worried tone for that word had caught the Lord Marshall's attention and he asks Quasi's "where does he come from? who are his people? these are the things I need to know"  Quasi reply "we find energy we find Furyan energy he's Furyan! Furyan! a Furyan survivor! kill the Furyan! kill the Riddick! a huge gust of wind roars through the room pushing the Quasi's back in their respected spots as Rieka tosses Riddick his dagger then takes his hand and runs "thank you Linus!"  Rieka whispers as she and Riddick pass him the Purifier nods.... "I'm not losing you!.... not again!.... not when I actually have the choice to stay!"  Rieka says as they run fighting the Necromonger warriors that come after them Riddick grips the side of her head, pulls her to him and kisses her lips with a deep hungry sensual passion then they continue to fight all the way back out of Necropolis Rieka undoes the braids in her hair and allows it to breath once more for now she no longer had to pretend that she was "one of them" just so she could have a place to belong since the person she wanted to belong to didn't want her any longer....

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