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They're at the cliff again, standing at the stone that is suspended halfway off the edge of the cliff where one can have a magnificent view of the moon. He's there. He eyed at her and to the mountain behind him and started walking. She followed. They walked through the thick forest and reached a wide lake, its water reflecting the dark sky of stars and the moon. "Wow" she said in awe as she scatters her eyes around the beautiful landscape. After a little while, she heard noise behind the trees and bushes. Little by little wolfs, both mature and pups, emerged from the shadows. Overwhelming joy flooded her heart. She glanced at the golden eyed wolf that seems to be smiling at her.

"Welcome to the pack" the golden eyed wolf said that made her jump in surprise. "You can talk?!" he stared at her as if insulted. "Of course I can, but I don't use my mouth, I use my mind usually" he explained and she stared at him wide eyed. "How can you talk without opening your mouth?" she asked now sounding interested but he turned to his pack whose now being illuminated by the half moon. "Just connect to us with your mind then you'll start to hear everyone's thoughts" he instructed. She looked around for someone to connect with. Her eye caught a pup that seems to be smiling at her blatantly.

"Hi there little pup" she said with her mind directing it towards the mud covered pup. "Hello Lady Alpha" a cute voice popped in her head. She jumped not because it worked but on what the pup called her. "Lady Alpha?!" she stared at the golden eyed wolf hoping for an answer. "Let's play! Let's play!" the pup called. Its voice is so inviting she decided to ask him later and ran towards the pup on all fours. All fours? she thought, surprised, and headed towards the lake to look at herself. She's the white wolf again with red eyes and she has this round brown mark on her forehead.

"Why do you looked so shocked and confused?" he asked as he walks near her. "Why am I a wolf again?!" she asked hysterically mirroring her wholeness on the lake. He looked at her as if she's going crazy. "Don't you really remember me? I'm your betrothed" he asked but she just stared at him totally confused. "It's me, Aiden" he sounded pained.

Maxy jolted up from her bed with wide eyes filled with tears. "I can't be committed to a wolf! But... why do I feel like... hurt... like... I've betrayed him...?" She fell asleep from crying.

She's in the wolf dream again. They're sleeping, the whole pack, in a vast cave. She felt sleeping with someone. It's Aiden. And they're sleeping on a stone flat that is raised higher from the ground where the others are sleeping. Somehow, she felt at home... complete. Aiden, she thought as she stares at the sleeping beast beside her. He woke up.

"Yes?" he asked. "Why did I feel like I betrayed you?" she asked but without opening her mouth. They're talking with their mind now. "I'm sorry if you did. But you know what? You're going to join us soon." "What do you mean I'm going to join you? Isn't this a dream?" Aiden seemed surprised to hear it from her. "I see. You're currently human, aren't you?" he asked and she nodded. "This is not a dream Maxy. But it doesn't mean that you're really here. We're worlds apart and all we can do is to connect with you when you sleep. We recreate some of these with our memory" he said pertaining to their surroundings. "So you're saying that I'm originally a wolf?" she asked. "Not exactly, you're a crossbreed. Your father is the werewolf which we all are. Anyway, you should wake up now or you'll be late for work"

She immediately woke up and grabbed her phone. There's still an hour before nine. She smiled. It seems like he knows how I hate being late. She took her bath and breakfast. Wearing the same outfit but not the same pair, she headed to work. For the first time, Mark and Dwayne are a little earlier than usual. "Hey, you dudes decided to start being early already?" Maxy asked while wiping the tables when Mark joined her wiping everything clean. "Nah, just had a nightmare" Mark answered. "Nightmare?" Maxy asked, "you rarely have one. What's it about?" "I don't want to talk about it" Mark said sounding very tired then Dwayne came out with a mop. "Neither do I want to remember it" he added and started mopping the floor. "You too?" Maxy asked but she just received a heavy sigh.

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