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The sun starts to go down behind the mountains as it paints the sky with bright yellow, then darker shades to red. Aiden stood attentively at the stone at the cliff facing west. His erect ears flipped as it tries to listen to distant sound. "Are they here yet?" Aurum asked who's also sharpening his senses for some intruders near the cliff even if they're inside Efram's domain. The gentle breeze wafted before his nose sent him scents he knows well. "They'll be here by nightfall, but they have company" he answered and retreated from his post. "Who?" Aurum asked as they walk towards the thick forest to hide themselves. "Crescents. Do you think Maxy really defeated Cerise, because I don't sense any threat from him and his brothers?" "Why are you asking me, and besides it is possible for Maxy to deal with those russets and make them obey." "Really?" Aiden asked and he answered "You already said she has her own abilities, and most of all, we taught her how to fight on the past days, didn't we?" Aurum said with pride and strode with confidence beside him. "Aren't you proud with her capabilities as her own husband? You might not know, she might really come home with Cerise tailing her like a lap dog" Aurum snickered. "Hey, do you know what you're saying?" Aiden asked as he smiles disbelievingly to his cousin. "I'm not a muscle brain like my father because I took some of my mother's brain with me which she shared with your father from their mother." "Right."

The moon is yet to climb at its highest when Efram and his company made it to their base and even before his pack starts to pick a fight with the reds, especially with Cerise, he told them that her daughter already made them her subordinates. Maxy showed them her human and wolf form so they won't mistake her for an enemy whenever they see her wandering at the base. Before she could even go to her father's cave, young pups and those around her age are already challenging her on a mock battle which she welcomed with open hands. Efram took her belongings and went ahead into his cave while the russets stayed behind to watch over Maxy.

She just seemed like she's dancing around them. The young ones can't even read her irregular moves that confuse them. When that was done, the ladies praised her snow white fur which seems to radiate the moonlight. "Who would've think that a werewolf who lived with the humans for so long would be as good as her in fighting" one of the russets said. "She must've also trained. I'm sure of it" Cerise said as he watches the crowd with amusement. Later on, some of the men came with a game between their teeth and spread it out before her. Efram then came and started the feast. The pack just watched how their princess eats like she's lived with the wolves and not with the humans. After Efram and Maxy are done, the pack followed. Maxy invited the russets to join and gave them two games to feed on. The silvers didn't bother arguing with them and just ate.

Later that night, the pack retired to their dens made out of thick vines and logs creating a cube and the russets are also given comfortable place to sleep. When Maxy made sure everyone is already soundly asleep, she sneaked out to the Mist Cliff where Aiden and Aurum are patiently waiting at the stone. "Lady Alpha?" Cerise lifted his head and faced towards the direction he saw Maxy headed. Reluctantly, he glanced at his brothers who are asleep then towards the other dens where the silvers are resting. He followed the white wolf quietly but it seems she's too focused on what she's up to that she doesn't even notice the small sounds he purposely does. When he figured out where she is going, he became confused on why would she go at a dangerous place at the middle of the night.

When he got there, he already understood that she's to meet some wolves. But moreover, he's in shock. The heirs, who are believed to be already dead, looked both healthy and strong as they play with his Lady Alpha. He was about to retreat when he carelessly stepped on a dried branch enough to get the men's attention. He crouched low hoping that they won't see him. "There's no need to hide, I know you've been following me" Maxy's voice is enough to draw him out of hiding and walk towards them. "Why, you chose to feed your curiosity than to stand guard for your brothers?" she asked. Cerise' already low ears dropped in embarrassment as he lowers his head as if he's asking for forgiveness.

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