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"By tonight or early morrow, we'd be in the base" Cerise announced for Maxy and Aurum to hear. Maxy is in the wagon seeing to Aurum who just came conscious. "Tell me when we're already near" Maxy told Cerise in his mind that made him jump causing Aiden to stop the wagon before Cerise gets overrun. Maxy's head peered above the wagon's wall. "Would you please not talk to me like that? I'm not very used to it and it startles me often" Cerise asked with a pleading smile as he chuckle irritably. Maxy didn't seem to hear him when she did it again "Would we please proceed slowly? I--" Aurum broke through the wagon's wall like some mad wolf, well he is going mad already.

Maxy angrily went after him and jumped over him pinning him down with her weight and smaller body. "Calm down!" she shouted at him but Aurum kept on thrashing his legs with his claws drawn out not thinking twice on landing it to whatever it reaches. "I said! Calm down stupid! Can't you really tell me from your mom?!" she shouted at him exhausted and gave him a nice head-butt. Aurum fell quiet for a while and he even stopped moving. "You're a large chunk of an immature coward!" she shouted again breaking the silence. "I love her!" Aurum shouted back. "You're afraid of her sicko!" "Then do you mean I should just submit to her?!" "Think Aurum, do you want this to happen to you forever? Huh?! Being controlled and stuff because you're afraid of her?" "No!" "Then fight back sucker!" "I can't!" Aurum shouted back and they both fell silent. "Tell me one acceptable reason why" she whispered threatening. "I don't want to hurt her more than I already did" he answered not shouting anymore. "And do you think the mother you know will agree that you submit to her helplessly and just let yourself be used?" "How..." he trailed off.

Maxy stepped off him then he stood up not taking off his suspicious stare from her. "What do you know?" he asked as he squint his eyes. "I won't tell you anything until you make up your mind" she told him and strutted off. Then the huge vine wagon fell lifelessly on the ground. "What just happened there?" Cerise asked when Maxy came. "An argument obviously and don't ask me about it. I'll tell you when I want to" she told them and they continued on their way but slower now, they're barely running. Aurum is beside Charles at the tail of the party, quiet and upset while Maxy is at the head angrily quiet. The whole party has been quiet since then. They sped up when the sun started to get reigned down behind the mountains.

"Let's rest for tonight. I'll hunt some dinner. Find us a cave for shelter. Dig one if there's none" she just ran off without saying who will do what. "I'll follow her, I'll leave the rest to you" Aiden told them. "Cheer her up will you? Our clan doesn't welcome strangers with a storm cloud over them" Cerise asked and Aiden answered him with a smile.

"Do any of you know a cave nearby?" Cerise asked his brothers. "We'll search Lord Heir" Charles told him and nodded to Buff and Griz to search as well. "So what's the fight all about?" Cerise asked Aurum when his brothers are out of earshot. "Let's just wait for her to tell us. I know that you will have a lot of questions in mind you want to ask" Aurum told him and sat down on the grassy ground. Aurum then asked, "Do you think she'll forgive me?" he looked at Cerise with teary eyes. "If you have the resolve to face that fear" Cerise answered with a smile and encouraging tone. "Do you have something you greatly fear Cerise?" before Cerise could answer he chuckled and added, "I think that's impossible for someone like you." "I have fears brother, that's why I always wanted to be seen as strong, courageous, and wise." Aurum just stared at him with silence waiting for more. He's a bit delighted to learn that Cerise also has fears. "One of those fears is directed towards my father that's why I have to be the person everyone knows, if not, he would surely sentence me to exile. If I can't live up to his expectations I won't be able to gain his full trust that I can surely lead our pack." Cerise told Aurum with a sad smile.

"How about you Aurum, what do you greatly fear?" Cerise asked and sat down beside Aurum as they watch how the sun paints the sky with yellow light. "I fear... that I might hurt someone. I know it's crazy and it's not natural for us werewolves to think of not wanting to hurt someone but I do. Before I was exiled when I was still a youngling, my parents go along just fine. But when I grew up, my mark started to fade and that's when they started to argue about me saying that I am a bastard. My mother gets badly hurt every after argument and she started treating me differently. I'm too sensitive, aren't I?"

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