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Right after the sun has settled behind the mountains, a huge wild boar four times larger than Cerise groggily stepped out of the woods. Ceilo and Cerise looked at it suspiciously since the boars don't really leave the woods. Squinting her eyes, Ceilo gasped when she saw something or someone beneath the huge game. "I don't believe this" she whispered her eyes wide enough with disbelief then Cerise saw Maxy under the wild boar carrying it on her back like it's not too heavy for her. She dropped the wild boar at the clearing and went back into the woods again. It didn't take much time when she got out carrying another boar that is as big as the first one and a small baby boar hanging on her mouth. "She really can't stop surprising me. The morning before we leave their base, she hunted a huge buffalo which is hard to hunt for their clan. Just how strong and capable is she?" Cerise asked not taking his eyes off the white wolf who met a black and a golden one at the clearing who are carrying smaller boars, almost their size, with them. Their jaws slacked open when they saw Maxy's hunt.

"Can you hunt a boar that large brother?" Ceilo asked and Cerise answered, "Barely." Ceilo rolled her eyes since it only means he can only hunt the size of what the other heirs hunted. "I bet you can't even hunt a baby" Cerise teased and went to meet the others below.

"Aurum, do you think you can eat the big one in one sitting?" Maxy asked after putting down the big guy from her back. "Just the half maybe, I had my snack in there" Aurum answered then Cerise asked, "Just how exactly did you hunt these down." "The Efram way" she sneered then asked, "Do you think the elders will accept this big guy? I want to thank them for letting us stay for a while longer." "You better hurry now before they start having their dinner" Cerise told her and she immediately grabbed the large boar on her back again. "Aiden, will you carry my dinner for me?" Maxy asked and shoved the baby boar towards him. "That is your dinner?" Aurum asked in disbelief while staring at the small pig. "She doesn't eat much" Aiden told him and picked up the boar with his mouth.

"Lady Magnate!" Cerise called and the little pup rushed down. "What?!" she asked excitedly. "Can you lead the Lady Heir to the Elders Hill? She wanted to give that to them as a gift of gratefulness" Cerise asked kindly but the little pup frowned. "You can have my hunt if you get her there before the good elders have their dinner" Aiden goaded and it worked. "Thank you, brother Aiden! Come on sister Maxy! We need to hurry!" Ceilo excitedly thumped her legs. "Would you care for a race Lady Magnate?" Maxy asked with a smile. "Sister Ceilo is fine. Are you sure for what you're asking with that on your back?" Ceilo asked and Maxy just smiled. Ceilo shrugged and said, "You asked for it, be prepared to get embarrassed if you lose. The Elders Hill is just up there, you can clearly see it from here" Ceilo pointed the side of the hill which is partly being covered by tall trees. "I see it" Maxy said and as if it was a go sign, they started sprinting by the squawk of a crow.

"Do you really think Maxy can win this? She's already behind at the flat surface" Aurum asked watching them go. "My sister may be faster but she'll take it hard on an upslope" Cerise answered. "Maxy will win this" Aiden said with finality. Ceilo started to feel exhausted at the middle of the upslope. Maxy is just few leaps ahead of Ceilo. When Maxy realized that she can't run any longer, she went back and bit Ceilo gently at her nape and ran up to the Elders Hill. "I shouldn't have underestimated you" Ceilo said apologetically. "Don't feel bad sister Ceilo, you would still get the boar. And besides, I believe you just started your training so you're not polished yet." "If you know that, why did you ask me for a race?" Ceilo asked and she answered, "I want to prove two things. First, I want to know if you're as good as your brother, and second is to see if I can really race with something this heavy on my back." "I don't really understand why you want to know if you can carry something like that while on a race." "Imagine that we're under attack and there are so many wounded and someone has to take them all in a safe place." "I see. So you want to know if you can do such a thing." "Exactly" Maxy answered and dropped her at the mouth of the cave where some Generals just came out. They were a bit surprised when they saw what Maxy is carrying but said nothing.

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