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It's already eleven when she left the café because the Lykos held a small party for her since her birthday will be two days from today and the café won't possibly open on those days for the maintenance. She carried the bag of gifts they gave her as she crosses the second pedestrian lane. From the dark corner of the street, she heard some growling then things clashing against each other. It seemed like dogs are fighting at the messy alley. She was about to ignore and pass by the animal fight when a gray wolf appeared before her. Her eyes widened when she saw a yellow streak of fur behind the wolf's right ear.

"Dad?" she whispered and she caught the wolf's gaze. It seemed relieved but then four other brown wolves jumped on the first one. Startled, she pulled the baseball bat chef Dew gave to her as present and swung it towards the abdomen of one of the russets. It cried in pain. It may not have flung it away but it fell down. Another russet turned towards her snarling showing its long pointed set of teeth while the other two is busy at the gray one that whimpered in pain as one of the russets sunk its teeth on his back. The fourth of the russets seemed to differ from its group. It has chocolate brown fur but not as light as the others have, its fur is as brown as the dark chocolate and it has a strange C mark on its forehead. She then remembered Aiden and her own mark on her forehead. She swung her bat to the wolf before her and ran towards the gray wolf that's on his feet again.

The two russets that are still standing are already on their feet to their prey. She shoved her bat towards them threatening to hit them with it. She quickly eyed its ear again to confirm it is the wolf Aiden identified. She looked at the russets intently, especially to the one with the mark.

"Try getting near us and I'll make sure all of you will have broken legs" she hissed speaking with her mind. The wolves got startled and jumped in shock that even those that are down turned their head around trying to know where the strange voice in their head came from. "How did you..." she finally heard her father's voice. The voice she really knows that is truly his, the voice that called her to play during those days, the voice that her mother really missed. "Surprise dad" she told him without breaking a gaze towards the russets.

The one without a mark jumped to Maxy without hesitation and she let him have it. She used to play baseball when she was still in high school. The huge wolf fell limply on the ground. "Who are you?" Maxy nearly jumped in shock when the russet with the mark actually opened its mouth to talk. "Goodness you actually spoke?!" she shouted startled but she got a hold of herself.

"Look, get your friends out of here before I call the butchers that will skin you alive and eat your meat!" she made sure that the other russets heard her in their minds. It made them run away in fear. In an instant the gray wolf that's about seven feet tall suddenly turned into a man which is a feet less from its wolf height. She then saw the face of her father once again but she immediately turned her back from him.

"What's wrong?" he asked. "Don't you miss your father?" "I do really miss you dad but please, put some clothes on. If you have none then just turn back into a wolf or a puppy" she pleaded then it hit him when the cold wind touched his bare skin. In an instant, he turned into a puppy just as his daughter requested and went in front of her. "That's better." She smiled and picked him up gently. "Are you hurt?" she asked as she checks the small body for the bite he had earlier. "Don't worry about that, it will heal soon" he told her then she put the baseball bat back in her other bag and carried him home into her apartment.

Maxy prepared a hot bath and chose some of her clothes that will fit her father's muscular body. She gave him a towel and the huge wolf pulled it into the bathroom before she closed the door. "Do you eat cooked meals?" she asked from the door. "Yes but meat only. Those greens won't give me the energy I need" he answered casually. She immediately cooked pan fried steak, a lot of it. She knows how big her father's appetite is.

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