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Aiden is already waiting for her at the stone when she came. "Welcome back" he greeted. "I'm sorry I left without warning last night" she apologized. "About that, Aurum really panicked when you disappeared so I explained to him that you only come here when you're asleep and leave when you woke up. So what caused you to leave immediately?" he asked then Maxy told him everything that happened. "I see." "Do you think I can trust him? My father's mouth got no filter that he said everything with him listening." "Cerise is a trustworthy one despite how cunning he is. He knows how and when to hide secrets, and besides, he's submitted to you already." "He may have but who knows if he's got another mission to be done?" "Your father will know it soon if he plans a mischief. You'll feel it too" he assured him.

"Have you and Aurum been hiding all this time at the cave down there?" she asked as she peers down the thick white mist below them. "Yeah, but some has already seen us wandering here so I guess we'd be revealed soon. Not unless they believe we're just some spirits wandering." "Why don't you completely hide yourselves?" she asked curiously. "So it will frighten the others and will stop coming or passing that mountain behind us. Aurum and I have been training with each other ever since we've met. If anyone found out that the heir of Half and Full are being buddy with each other, there will be confusion" he explained then walked off the stone. "Do you know that Cerise is the pup what called me Lady Alpha?" she asked as she follows him. "Yeah, I remembered playing with a muddy pup that doesn't want to take a bath before. You confirmed it just earlier. Come, I'll show you the way to the cave."

He led her to the lake and went behind the huge boulder half buried on the ground. Beside it, is a hole, huge enough for a wolf to get in, hidden by a thick bush that makes the hole disappear. They went through it and she found herself walking at the circumference of the rock above them. He then stopped at the wide entrance before them. "Stay close to me, you might get lost in here" he told her. She walked beside him as her eyes roam around a dim lit place that is full of passages. "Aurum and I made these passages for anyone who dares to enter. The cliff lies in wait at the end of them, only one leading to the cave, the only safe spot. But Aurum told me that he only found this after slipping off the cliff."

"Is there any shortcut?" she asked keeping pace with Aiden as they turn to another passage. "There is, if you come here by the way Aurum and I did" he answered. "Right off the cliff" she said sternly. They went through more passages until they reached a cave with a high ceiling. She saw the platform where she found herself sleeping with Aiden while looking around. "Aurum is resting at the far end--" "Maxy!!!" they heard Aurum's loud voice as well as his heavy footsteps. "Move to your right the moment I told you to" Aiden told her and she nodded. "In 3, 2, move" the two of them move to the right at the perfect timing when Aurum came their way and bumped to the hard wall of dirt. "Ouch" Aurum groaned and fell on his back.

"Why did you move?!" Aurum angrily spat after he got up and strode towards the two. "She can't withstand your tackle Aurum" Aiden simply told him. "But I don't mean to go all out!" Aurum reasoned out. "Don't worry, I'll be training with the two of you soon" she told her. "You're coming home" Aiden smiled and she just smiled back at him. "Hey Aurum, why don't you tour me around" she told him. "Oh sure, it would be my pleasure to do so Lady Alpha." "And where did you exactly get that?" she asked then Aurum eyed at Aiden. "I forced him to tell me about you and your childhood. He's not to blame. Let's go?" She smiled. "Okay, come on Aiden!" "You're not angry?" he asked. "Not really. Shall we?" He happily followed.

Morning came and Maxy found herself on her wolf form. She bit her hand...uh paw to know if she's still dreaming or not. There's pain. She hurried to her mirror and only saw a snow white wolf with bloody red eyes and a brown circle on her forehead. She quickly rushed to her father's room where Cerise also slept, but on the floor.

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