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Efram visited the Half Clan's base a day after that bloody day and Aiden showed him to his daughter. Efram sighed heavily when he saw the scar on Maxy's eye that is probably a Bind. "Our elders said that she sealed her own powers and until now she has not woken up yet" Aiden told him as he stare at Maxy with such pity. "She could be wandering somewhere" Efram told Aiden which made him look at him curiously. "You mean her consciousness is somewhere out there?" "You don't know?" Efram asked quizzically but Aiden just shook his head. "Then you still have a lot to learn" Efram smiled then went closer to Maxy. "Look at her son, do you notice something unusual for someone who's sleeping?" Aiden looked at Maxy intently but failed to see what Efram wanted him to see. He was about to see Aurum at the other side when Efram said, "He's also wandering." "How?—Will you please tell me?"

"Come here" Efram had Aiden stood beside him and lowered his head to the flat of the bed. "Can you see her fur against the bed?" Efram asked so Aiden started scrutinizing the two things. That's when he saw it. "She's floating." "Indeed" Efram agreed. "How did you know without looking?" "I can feel... that this vessel is somehow... light. You will know what I mean if she gets back. If she still won't wake up by tomorrow night, wake her up whatever it takes" Efram instructed. "But the Elders told me not to do that--" "She might just become a wandering spirit if you didn't do what I told you" Efram told him and went out of the room when he stopped at the doorway. "I won't be able to visit after tonight--" Efram hesitated then continued to walk away and disappeared as he reaches the main entrance. Something's coming. Father is not usually preoccupied unless he's preparing for something, he thought.

When Efram got back, he connected to his spinning boulder that he sent out to spy at the reds. "They're coming" he muttered and went out of his den. "Licht, send the alarm. They're coming" Efram told his son who is standing outside his den.

Aiden suddenly felt a cold zap along his back and started pacing back and forth deciding what to do. I have to wake her up, he concluded and shook Maxy to wake but she doesn't even flinch. "Wake up, your clan is in trouble" he whispered into her ear and it didn't take a while when Maxy jolted up on her feet, her eyes filled with dread. "Father came here earlier to see you and told me that he won't be able to visit for the following days--" "Let's go Aiden. We have to go" she told him with her shaky voice. "The reds are on their way." She went out of the room, and when she saw Aurum sleeping at the other room, she pushed him off his bed. "Wh-what happened?" Aurum asked as he stands up and turn his hear from side to side. "Let's go Aurum we have to help my clan" Maxy told him and headed outside and the other two followed her immediately. She sent a messenger to inform Cerise of the situation and undid the Bind on her left eye with another lightning out of nowhere after her eyes shifted. They were about to leave when a party of the clansmen came with the Lord Alpha. "We will help, Lady Heir, as an exchange for the help and as your family." She smiled gratefully and nodded then she shifted on her red form hoping that it would help them speed up. "I'm sorry but no questions for now" she told them and lifted them all up with a tornado.

When Maxy woke up, she found no animal inside the cave but a basket filled with fruits and a lot of sticks. She went to the meadow and waited for Baron but he didn't show up, she then decided to just go back and go into her mother's room. She unbolted the metal door and pulled the heavy door open. She directly went towards the wooden chests containing books and searched in it and found a book about Averen, the Father Alpha of the Silver Clan, or so it says on its cover. The book is a combination of the tale with her parent's opinion about it. According to her father, the Father Alpha was foolish to face the reds all alone but, according to her mother Averen only thought what would be the best for his clan's future and wanted them to survive. Maxy decided that Averen is indeed heroic, selfless, and compassionate. There are also a lot of different books about the other clans. But there are more books about humans, their way of living, their language, their technology, and a lot of things.

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