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"That darn man! I'll give him a good uppercut when I get back!" she blurted just right after she woke up that scared the life out of those within the same room. "That doesn't seem to be a good visit" Aurum commented that made Maxy realize she was back in the Living World. She then remembered what happened while fleeing with Lex when she saw Aiden. "Aiden! Aiden!" she called out like a kid and even jumped in front of him. "Wh-what?" he asked startled. "Why did that happen there?" she asked totally jumpy. "What happened?" Aiden asked slowly stepping back as the agitated Maxy is walking towards him nonstop. "I don't understand. Why did that happen?" Maxy looked at him in the eyes and cornered him at the cave wall.

"My, my, aren't you so worked up Lady Heir?" Maxy turned around in a snap when she heard the lord Alpha's voice. "L-Lord A-Alpha! I... uh... uhm... Sorry for being loud" she finally managed to say. "It's nice to see you to be energized" Cerise said which made her notice him and the others. She realized that she's being surrounded by so many russets. The nine elders, Aurum, Aiden, Cerise and the Alphas but she can't determine the others.

"My Lady Alpha, I would like to apologize for acting without your consent. The Generals, the Lord and Lady Alpha, and the Elders have agreed to listen to what your reason is for coming here in our base. They also want to know why the reds came. But most of all, we thank you for saving the Lady Alpha, my mother, from death. We are so much in debt of you" Cerise finished and bowed his head down, the other russets, except the Lord Alpha, followed Cerise.

"No, please, I only wanted to take responsibility for bringing danger in your base. Please forgive me" she bowed down in front of them all and then Graufern did the same towards her. "Before your reasons of coming here, we would like to know why the Crimson Clan has appeared here in broad daylight" one of the Elders asked so she raised her head but kept her eyes on the floor. She's still in Cerise' cave, she concluded. "They wanted to eliminate... everyone... dear to me... and..." she paused, this is making her remember of what happened to her brother that night. "The Lady Heir's younger brother," Aiden interjected, "the Lord Magnate of the Silver Clan was attacked by a red that night four nights before we got here. She went mad and killed the red without knowing. Before the red died, he told her that they will kill everyone she loves so she can fulfill her fate, her destiny. They attacked your base because they thought that she's made friends with the clan" Aiden continued when no one raised a complaint.

"Does this means the Lord Magnate of the Dull Clan has left the Living World?" one of the elders asked. "No, good Elder, we are most happy that he did not. But he won't survive if the Lady Heir was not so persistent on saving her brother's life. I believe the good Elders, the Lord Alpha, and the Lord Heir of this base has witnessed her doing the same Healing to the Lady Alpha." Aiden finished with a glint of pride.

"May I ask something?" the Lord Alpha asked so Maxy held her eyes up to meet his. "It seemed to me that the reds who attacked the base are different from those who attacked you last night outside the Southern Gate, am I wrong?" Graufern asked. "They're different, Lord Alpha, I am their prey" she answered then Graufern asked why. "They think that I'm a hindrance to someone's destiny" she answered without looking at Aurum. It would blow the secret off. Graufern was about to ask again when an elder got ahead of him. "Don't start sizzling the young lady Lord Alpha or this assembly would be put to waste."

"Now, will you tell us of your intentions in coming here in our base? I hope you know that the Lord Alpha of the Dull Clan are not really in good terms with our Lord Alpha" one of the Generals, who are just beside the elders, asked. "I came to ask for a favor" her answer sent curious murmurs around her. "Is this a mission your father gave you?" one of the Generals asked. "No good sir, this is not the least bit of the mission my father gave me." "Then tell us the mission he gave you." "He wanted to seal off the feud between our clan to the Crescent Clan" she answered. "Don't you think that's the same as asking us a favor young lady?" a General asked. Graufern smirked witnessing Maxy being grilled by the Generals. "No, good sir, we have different objectives. My father wanted peace between our clans and I only wanted to ask for your help." "Help?" an Elder asked. Maxy is rather thankful that the russets of the same rank are on the same side. She doesn't have to guess what is who or who is what.

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