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camillecheri stop telling me to date guys my age. i will when timothée mf chalamet finally decides to hmu
🔄 25.3K ❤️51.7K 💬 5.76K

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realchalamet consider urself... hit up

usera did that just happen
usera am i going mad
usera did i imagine that

userb smart bitch knows she verified and he can see this

userc lana del rey gonna be disappointed in u

userd ok no more starring in lana vids about older men for u miss "i date boys my age now" smh
L usere he's technically two years older ig😂

userf why's everyone so obsessed with the age shit like .... that's just tragic lmao

userg just putting it out there that if they date their ship name SHOULD be chickens
L realchalamet oh god
L camillecheri oh god

v short again but here we mf go ladies n gents

GUYS MY AGE / TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET [✓]Where stories live. Discover now