Chapter 4

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I used the name Gabriel because it can be a cover up for a girl's name, Gabrielle. No hate to anyone with that name, I just needed a name that could be used for both genders by adding or subtracting some letters.

All of our heads turn to the door as Jake rushes in, upon seeing me he rushes over and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

I don't want to start another fight but I can't help but tell him.

"If you thought I was so possessive you could've told me. It was only one time and I've never done that before. If you actually talked to me about it then I would've apologised-no you know what, I did fucking apologise and you said it was fine!! If it wasn't fucking fine then you should've told me instead of telling Colby over the fucking phone. AND are you that mad that you couldn't even give me a kiss on the lips?! You always do so what's changed?!" I fume, unleashing all my anger and frustration into my rant.

Everyone looked shocked at my sudden outburst but I don't care about their reactions right now, all I care about at this moment is Jakes response.

"Babe it was just a little annoying for me that you suddenly changed character ya know? I like you how you are now and as for the kiss, I'm a little caught up in making sure you're ok, I'll give you one later if that's what you really want." He recovers from his shock and answers me.

"So I'm not allowed to change? And why not give me one now?" I reply back defiantly.

"(Y/n) that's not what I mean, I just prefer you stay the same cause that's the you I like the most. Can we not do this in front of everyone?" He gives me a pleading look that I deny.

"You should like every me, change or not and not do what in front of everyone? Kiss? Fight? You've never had a problem showing your affection in front of anyone before, even strangers and fighting is normal, we've just never done it until now! Now answer the goddamn question that you keep avoiding. What's. Changed?!" I grit out the last question.

"Can't we continue this at home? Nothing's changed." He seems to be struggling to keep calm himself now.

"Fine, go get the doctor and release forms." I reply impatiently. I am not letting him off though.

-Timeskip to home-

As soon as we made it to our room I turn to him.

"Answer my goddamn questions!!" I almost scream at him as I limp forward.

"Ok so I know I said to do this at home but can we just not do this at all?" What the fuck is this asshole saying?

"No we're doing this now!! What are you hiding!?" My heartbeat is picking up due to my rage.

"So now you think I'm hiding something?! What is up with you!?" He now has lost his battle against himself from earlier and is no longer calm at all.

"Yes for fuck sake I do!!! Why else would you be acting like this!? Getting defensive when I ask who texts you, not giving me your phone to check, not showing me as much affection and now this!? Obviously something is up!!" My blood is boiling with rage and it is hard to keep myself from screaming at him.

"For fuck sake I was with a girl ok!!" His words make my whole world stop moving.

My heart stops completely and if I was still attached to the heart monitor then that would be dead quiet as well. My breathing ceased along with it as the words slowly register in my head.

"What?" I quietly ask, unsure if I heard wrong or not.

"I was with a girl, that collab thing was a lie, I went to her place instead that's why I stayed the night. Gabriel isn't real either, it's a cover up name for Gabrielle, the girl I went to." The more he spoke the more my heart shrivelled up and died.

"Why? How many times?" I have lost all anger, it is replaced by hurt, betrayal and sadness.

"I've been seeing her for almost half a year now, almost every week I go to hers at least once. It was a mistake at first but then it grew into something more." He looks away as he explains.

"Then why stay with me?" I'm looking for something in his next answer but even I don't know what.

"Because I love you." He looks me straight in the eyes as he says that.

"And you don't love her?" I ask, slightly hopeful, even I don't know why I haven't slapped him or left yet. Maybe because I love him but I'm desperate to grasp anything that will keep him with me and not her.

"No I don't, I only love you but I can't deny her. She has this way of luring me in that I can't explain." He looks as though he's begging me to understand.

"Would you stop seeing her if I told you I was going to break up with you if you don't?" I lift my head up to look at him. Now I know what I'm looking for, validation.

"Of course I would, I love you so much." He takes a step closer to me, his eyes begging me for something.

"Then stop seeing her and I won't break up with you. It's as simple as that." I quietly tell him. I know it's stupid and naive of me but if he says yes then I can forgive him.

"I promise I won't see her again." My heart warms at his words and before I can say anything he continues.

"Can I give you that kiss now?" He asks softly as he is now standing right in front of me.

"Yes." My heart has magically mended itself and I feel as though this didn't even happen.

He leans in until his lips capture mine in a delicate kiss that holds the promise he had said earlier.

However I know that if he were to do it again that my heart would not just be broken but shattered. And there is no way my heart can mend itself from that.

Times up (Jake Webber x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now