Chapter 8

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"What are you doing?" I ask in curiosity as I walk in on Jake packing a bag.

"Huh? Oh. I'm just going a friends place for the night." He glances at me before looking back to the bag, packing many essentials he would need.

"Which friend?" I hadn't meant to come off as snoopy but after his betrayal, there was still a part of me that didn't really trust him.

"YouTube friend, doing a collab." He replies shortly as he seems really focused on packing. I stiffen, squinting my eyes ever so lightly.

"You said that last time too." I remind and he bolts up, looking at me in bewilderment. His surprise soon turns to annoyance.

"Are you seriously still on that? It's been three weeks." His words leave me feeling bitter.

"It doesn't matter how long ago it was! You still cheated! Time doesn't make it any different!" I suddenly shout at him, not only shocking him but myself too at how bold I just was.

"Whatever." He huffs, finalising his packing before picking the bag up and walking past me.

I grit my teeth as my hands form into fists, letting him pass by peacefully whilst I try to control my emotions. I refuse to have him make me a mess again, not this time.

I can hear a few shouts of goodbyes before the front door closes. I let out a breath before heading downstairs to relax with the guys. They could always put me in a good mood no matter what, if I lost that, well, I guess I'd just cease to function.

I'm pretty sure that feeling is mutual, we all play off each other. It's why we're such good friends and can tolerate each other as roommates. We all understand each other really well and our personalities work together when creating funny content which makes it much funnier than it would be when doing it solo.

"(Y/n)? Helllloooooo?" My thoughts are disturbed by a hand waving in front of my face. I look over to see Aaron sitting next to me on the couch whilst the others play games. His worried look makes me smile, hoping that would make him less stressed.

"Sorry, just lost in thought. What's up?" I laugh lightly before turning my attention to him fully.

"I'm just a bit worried. That's the fifth time I called your name." Aaron continues to look into my eyes as if to express his seriousness.

"You're too sweet." I laugh and stand up, ruffling his hair slightly before walking into the kitchen to grab a snack.

My phone dings as I reach the fridge causing me to retract my hand from the fridge handle to look at my phone. I wasn't expecting anyone to text me. I check the time to see that it is 4pm, not even realising I had been sitting on the couch with the guys for hours. Then again I did wake up quite late.

I shake my head and unlock my phone, going to the unknown numbers message. How did someone even get my number? Unless someone gave it out.

Please don't be a stalker. Please don't be a stalker. I swear to god if it's a stalker then I'm kicking the boys asses because it's most likely one of their fans since I don't have a YouTube channel and I feature in theirs a lot.

I click the message to open it and almost drop my phone at the photo I saw. My blood boils and I grit my teeth again, for the exact same reason as last time.

On my screen is a picture sent by an unknown number but I know who it is immediately. The picture showed MY boyfriend in bed sleeping next to some bitch who is taking a selfie, although her face isn't shown but I can see her sticking her tongue out as if mocking. The unknown number is obviously Gabrielle's and she is most likely trying to show off that Jake, once again, picked her over me.

Tears of anger and frustration run down my cheeks as I lean my hands on the counter, gripping the edge as I look at the marble top.

"(Y/n)?" Colby calls from the lounge room and I quickly compose myself, making sure I don't look or sound like a mess before calling back.

"Yeah?" My voice comes out chirpy and non-conveying of what I am really feeling.

"Can you get me a can of coke?" He calls and I let out a breath of laughter at his request, grabbing his coke and walking over to him to hand it to him. I hold it out to him and he takes it, completely oblivious to my current emotions.

"Thanks." He gives me his heart stopping grin and I smile softly back.

"You're welcome." I reply before heading up to my room, waiting until everyone went out like they planned.

I turn down their offer because I want to confront Jake when he gets back. I wait in the kitchen for him, which takes forever because I don't even know what time he is coming home or if he even is.

My ears perk up as I hear the door open and close, making me stand from my seat at the counter to stand next to the fridge where I know he will go to. I'm correct as he walks into the room, not looking up as he throws his bag to the floor.

"Ahem." He jolts at the sound and immediately makes eye contact with me, eyes widening when realising I'm the one waiting for him.

"Geez (Y/n). You scared me." He laughs nervously which makes me raise an eyebrow.

"Where were you?" I ignore his attempt to distract me and ask him what I want him to say.

"What do you mean? I told you, I was at my friends." He gets more nervous the longer I stare at him which is a clear sign to me that he is lying.

"Where. Were. You." My tone tells him that I already know and he sighs, a few moments of silence passing by before he answers.

"I was at Gabrielle's....."His tone holds guilt but I don't care, couldn't care.

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