Chapter 7

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After round 2 in the shower, I had finally been able to get ready and plan out the day. The plan was to go to the gym then go get some food and take the dogs for a walk, that's pretty much it.

I begin to walk out the front door but turn around to shout a goodbye to everyone getting a few goodbyes and see ya laters back. I smile as I close the door and get into my car then start driving to the gym. About 20 minutes later I reach the gym and go inside, already in my gym clothes I begin to do my normal routine.

As I was taking a break after my workout I get a call which I then reach to grab my phone and check who's calling, the culprit being Colby. I answer the phone as I bring it up to my ear.

"Yes my dear Colby?" I ask sweetly over the phone then proceed to laugh at my attempt to make him feel weird.

"What the fuck was that?" He bursts out laughing as well.

"At this point I don't even know, I'm just bored." I confess after I calm my laughter and begin to pack up my stuff.

"Fair enough, oh yeah, I was just calling to ask if you wanted to do an overnight sometime next month with me and Sam?" He finally states the reason he called and my eyes widen.

"Oh my god yes, I've been wanting to do one for so long but always denied cause Jake wouldn't go." It is true, Jake never wanted to go on their expeditions, he'd rather edit and film funny videos rather than scary ones.

"Yeah that's why I asked, seeing as you've got more freedom of choice and have started spending time away from Jake, I thought you might like to come with us this time since you've always wanted to but never did." He says with a bit of annoyance in his voice as he mentions Jake and my lack of free will.

"I know, I'll definitely come though, just give me the details when I've done all I have to do today." I excitedly rush as I finally make it to my car and put my stuff in before hoping in the driver's seat.

"Yep, all good then. See ya when you get back." We say our goodbyes and I drive off to get some McDonalds.

-Timeskip to after McDonalds and to puppers time.-

"Navi, Buddy!! Are you guys ready for a walk? Yeah a walk! Are you guys excited?" I talk to the dogs in a cutesy voice as they jump up and down excitedly.

I quickly put on their collars and leashes and ask if they're ready again which results in Buddy jumping and Navi howling which causes me to hunch over laughing.

"Yeah? Let's go then! Come on!" After recovering from my laughter, I hype them up and we head out the door. Navi immediately starts to drag me to the gate while Buddy rushes to keep up with her.

We go on a walk around the block and to the park where I play fetch with them, it's funny to watch Navi chase the ball and get it while Buddy is halfway there when Navi starts bringing the ball back. Even when I try to throw it close to him, Navi is just too fast for him. We spend about 45 minutes at the park before heading back home because the dogs are already either exhausted or bored. To be honest, same though and I have barely done anything today.

We arrive home after a short walk and I take off their leashes after we walk through the door.

"Guess who's home!!" I shout into the house causing two people to bolt into the hall. Aaron and Corey immediately rush to their dogs and hug them exclaiming "oh how I missed you so". Spotting the camera I decide to play along, feigning hurt and betrayal.

"Wow, you guys don't care about me? No, I get it, that's fine." I fake sob and turn away from them causing them to laugh which led to me laughing.

"Aww come on, how come you guys didn't fall for it?" I whine and pout after the laughter died down.

"We're not stupid (Y/n), we know you wouldn't get offended so easily over something like that. Besides, we were trying to film a bit but you said something funny that we weren't expecting and it caught us off guard." The boys share a look as if they thought the same thing.

"Huh, ok well imma leave you two to do your mind sync thing and I'm probably just gonna head upstairs and play some games, cheers for the laughs and goodbye." I quickly conclude as I rush to the stairs.

"Off she goes to her lair of darkness, never to be seen again." Aaron fake sobs and clutches Corey.

So we're still doing this? Alright then, time to put on my best acting.

"True it is my sons; I have one last thing to say before I disappear from your lives." I say dramatically and clutch the spot over my heart.

"What is it dearest mother?" Corey joins in whilst also clutching Aaron. The sight was one that anyone would laugh at.

"I.....hate you both and you're both adopted. Bye bitches." I start off dramatically whilst looking away before turning to them and spilling the cold hard truth. For comedic purposes of course; I could never hate them.

I rush to my room while laughing evilly and hearing the dramatic cries and shouts from the boys. I jump onto my bed, deciding that I'm too tired to play games anymore.

I always enjoy coming home to their hilarious bits, especially because they always like to include me in them which is way more fun than just watching. I'm surprised that they don't have more subscribers but I'm sure one day they will be seen for their comedic videos and blow up in the YouTube community.

As I think back on all the fun times we had, I slowly drift to sleep.

(A/n If I'm being completely honest, this was kinda just a filler, not really important to the plot except for the call with Colby. I've got bigger things planned tho so don't you worry.)

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