Chapter 5

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It's a week after our fight and everything has gone back to normal.


As normal as this house gets I guess, with Aaron and Corey doing their weird bits there's never really a normal moment in this house.

I'm having one of those moments where I remember why I fell in love with Jake. He's filming a video and every so often he will look over at me and give me that million-dollar smile that makes my heart soar.

I can't believe he's mine, even to this day. However it still pains me to know that I was sharing him at one point.

If I weren't so damn nice and acted like a normal girlfriend then I would've hunted that bitch down and taught her a lesson.

But that's not me. I wish it could be but I don't have it in me to do that kind of stuff, maybe I do but it's gotta be hidden deep deep-down cause I can't seem to find anything like it.

I'm brought out of my daze as a hand is waving in front of my face. I look up and notice Jake looking at me with a confused look on his face.

"Huh?" I give him a questioning look.

"See I told y'all, she zones out so easily." He laughs as he looks at the camera that was now facing us.

"Oh, oh no. I better not look stupid in that or I'm gonna kick your ass." I say smiling up at him causing him to laugh again.

I had changed slightly because of our fight; I would say that I've gained more of an attitude. I retaliate more and voice my opinion now so that's a big step for me.

"I asked a question and you didn't answer so I came over." Jake explains why he disturbed my peace.

"Oh sorry, what was it?" I ask him to repeat his question.

"Do you want to come over and answer a few couple questions for the video?" He looks at me with hope in his eyes.

"Sure." Excitement fills me as I go and sit on the beanbag next to Jakes spot as he re-angles the camera to face us while I make silly faces to the camera. Upon seeing my face in the camera Jake bursts out laughing before finishing up and sitting down.

"Ok to those of you who don't know, this is my lovely girlfriend (Y/n), I've been with her for about 6 years now. Sorry to those of you who wanted a chance with me but I'm happily taken." He introduces me and finishes with a laugh.

"Right so first question. How long hav- I just answered that so moving on. Do you love each other? Of course I love her, I wouldn't have stayed with her this long if I didn't." He turns his head towards me and gives me a warm smile.

"Hmmmmm let me think about it for a sec......DUH. He's literally the only person I've ever truly loved in my life." I say with a laugh as I watch his face morph from fake hurt from the beginning of my sentence to shock and guilt at the end of my sentence.

"Ha. Next question then? Have you had sex with each other? Wow jumping straight into it huh? It depends." He states as he looks over at me almost like for confirmation. Rather than giving him the go ahead I say it myself.

"Yeah of course, all the time in fact." I laugh as Jakes face morphs into shock again.

"Gotta keep that mouth closed babes." I say as I gently lift Jakes jaw that had went slack and put it back in place with a small smile.

"Right sorry. Ever had a threesome? I feel like these questions are like a random dude asking them on tinder or something. But no, you?" Jake once again bursts out laughing which leads to me following suit. After regaining composure he turns to me awaiting my answer.

"No never. Babe I've dated you since high school, when would I have time for that? Definitely not before the age I started dating you." I give him a look which he raises his hands in surrender to.

"Of course, how could I forget. Next question. Have you thought one of your partners friends were attractive? Pffft no you have ugly friends." He laughs mischievously and hides from my hands smacking him.

"Bitch my friends are beautiful. However I have thought one of your friends is as hot as a Greek god, like damnnnn. I could drool over him all day." I play along. He's gonna trash my friends then I'm gonna make him jealous. Fair trade?

His head shoots to look at me with a glare, I innocently put my hands up saying that I was just stating the truth.

"Who?" He seems mad but he keeps his composure.

"Who else? Colby duh, right ladies? You can just stare at him all day and dammmnnnn." I say with a giggle as I look at the camera and wink.

"(Y/n) don't test me." He grabs my wrist and makes me look at him.

I burst out laughing as I roll over and clutch my stomach, my eyes tearing up at how funny this was.

"What's so funny?" Jake huffs, clearly not seeing what was happening.

"I'm just joking babe." I barely get the words out as I roll off the beanbag and to the floor.

"Oh my god you bitch." He jumps on me and begins to tickle me which somehow makes me laugh louder than I already was.

He stops and stares down at me in admiration.

"What?" I ask quietly while catching my breathe.

"You're so gorgeous you know? And your laugh and smile light up my whole world." He states before kissing me gently and pulling back to examine my face which is now bright red.

He smiles before getting off of me and helping me up. We then sit down in the beanbags again ready to answer more questions.

"I um, thank you." My face becomes impossibly more red than before and hearing his laugh only makes it worse.

"Next question shall we? Have either of you ever cheate- oh." He says before glancing at me.

"Ha, no I haven't, have you?" The lovey dovey moment is long gone now and turned sour as I innocently questioned him.

", how could I ever cheat on the person I love the most?" He says with a nervous laugh which causes me to snort in disbelief.

Bullshit. His words. They're all bullshit lies.

"You've got your footage right? I'll be going to bed first." I say in a bored tone as I leave the garage and go upstairs to our room.

As it is already late I just decide to go straight to sleep instead of doing anything else.

Tomorrow will be a better day.


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