Chapter 15

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I feel like this story was really rushed but I just wanted to finish it, it's been sitting in my drafts since mid 2019 and I'm ready to be done with it😂.

Sam's POV:

Everyone has been depressed lately, not wanting to do anything, film, make jokes or even go anywhere near her room or the bathroom she died in. I decided that we needed to be strong for her though and made my way into her room thinking that she may have left us something.

I was correct when I saw letters on her desk, one for all of us to read together and then individual ones for us each. I took them all downstairs and gave everyone their letters before reading the main one out loud.

"Dear roommates, you all have been such a big influence in my life. You're my best friends and I couldn't have possibly asked for anyone else; you guys are honestly the best and I'm sorry that I had to leave but I hope this makes you stronger. I'll miss your goofy laughs and humour, it's ones of the mains things I love about you all so please don't lose that spirit just because I'm gone. I want you all to be happy and continue doing the things you love; I want you to take care of each other now more than ever. You're friendship is a strong bond and I would hate for anything to tear that apart so please, for me, keep that bond strong. I know it may be selfish of me to say that but it's how I feel and someone once told me that I should express my feelings more. Of course I only took that advice lightly seeing as I didn't tell any of you the pain I was going through but I want you to know that it isn't your fault. This was my choice and it's what I really want, the only thing I've ever wanted so bad in my life so please don't blame yourselves or be upset because I'm happy now. I love you all, you're more of my family then friends and I'm so glad that I met you guys. Please stay happy and goofy.

Love, (Y/n)" My voice breaks as I read her final thoughts. Even as she was about to end herself, she still wished the best for us.

"How unfair is that?" Colby speaks as he wipes his tears, thinking the same thing I am.

"Well you heard. She wants us to be happy so stop crying you big baby." I laugh through my own tears to which Colby points out.

We calm down before everyone goes off to read their own notes, assuming that (Y/n) would want them to be read alone and not with the other guys.

Corey's POV:

I sit down on my bed and open the letter, already tearing up upon the first few words.

To the biggest goofy goober!

I know you may be upset but I promise things get better! I don't wanna see you frowning from where I'm watching, that's right, I'm watching y'all bitches. If I see one tear leave then I'm giving you a ghost slap! Hey that's another thing! Maybe you'll be more willing to use the Ouija board! Who knows, maybe I'll talk to you guys through it sometime! So don't be a pussy :P. All jokes aside though, I want you to keep your weird humour and to not be upset for long. Yeah I'm gone but it's a normal thing and you'll get better soon I promise. You gotta cheer the other roommates up too! How will they get by if you're not being your goofy goober self?! Anyways I gotta get onto the next letter, so much writing and so little time!
Ps: Tell Navi I'll miss her and that I love her!

Love, goofy goober #1 fan!

The tears threaten to leave my eyes but I remember her words on the letter. I take a deep breath and clutch the letter to my chest. This letter is something I would never even dream of throwing away. I'll be strong for her.

Aaron's POV:

I take a deep breath, placing Buddy on my lap and patting him before glancing at the letter. Taking a few more breaths to prepare myself, I open it.

To cinnamon roll,

I have a feeling that you'd have a hard time opening this but if you do, I'm proud of you! I know it took a lot to even pick up this letter but I promise that you won't regret it, you might even find yourself rereading it whenever you're sad. Which I hope you do but I hope that you're not sad very often otherwise I'll be sad. Do you remember that one time I said I hate you for a bit that you were filming? I know that you knew I was joking but I just wanted to let you know that I don't hate you. I love you so much, you're like the brother I never had and I'm so eternally grateful that I got to meet you. You brought a new sense of fun and excitement into my life and I couldn't have asked for anything else. I hope you become happy soon and stay that way for the rest of your life. Give buddy a pat and kiss for me? I hope Navi and him don't stay sad either. I'm rambling aren't I? Sorry :p. Anyways I love you!

Peace out, (Y/n)!

"Why do you have to be so damn loveable?" I snuggle and hug Buddy, giving him the pat and kiss she asked me to.

"You want us to be happy but you were such an influential person in our lives. I'll try for you but it'll take time." I whisper as I look over the piece of paper once more.

I can imagine her responding to my words, saying "take all the time you need, I'll be here." and it hurts because I know she won't be here. Maybe in spirit but what happens when I need a hug?

I let out a breath of laughter. I could imagine her response to that as well: "Give Buddy a hug and he'll give you one from me! Dogs are most likely to be connected to spirits anyways!" Always trying to cheer us all up. Ok. I'll give it a shot as well then, I'll strive to be someone as admirable and fun loving as you.

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