Chapter 12

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Warning: slight smut!

I moan loudly as he sucks at my neck, leaving multiple marks along it while groping my breasts and playing with them.

By now we are on the spare bed, his shirt and my dress lay on the floor next to it.

He trails down towards my breasts and reaches behind my back to unclasp my bra. Successfully doing so, he throws it with the other discarded clothes without a care.

I moan once again as he starts sucking on my right breast while playing with the other one with his hand.

Taking my nipple between his teeth, he twists it along with the other one using his fingers causing me to moan out loudly.

He stands up and takes his pants off, immediately coming back to attack my mouth with heated kisses.

As he goes to pull down my underwear there is a knock at the door.

"Um, hello?" A familiar voice calls out and I grin as I flip Lucas over so that I'm straddling him, starting to grind on him and moaning loudly.

"(Y/n)??" I hear the same voice sounding shocked and in disbelief.

My moaning gets louder and suddenly the door bursts open. I don't bother covering myself, there's no point seeing as the person I turn to who just barged in is in fact Jake. My oh so wonderful boyfriend.

I ignore him completely and grind a little more to reach my high. I almost scream out as my orgasm hits me and I hunch over, hands on Lucas' chest for stability.

I glance over my shoulder to see Jake. His eyes hold a raging fire as he fully takes in the scene. Me only wearing underwear, shaking from an orgasm that he didn't cause, on a guy he doesn't know that's only in boxers.

"What the fuck is going on!?!" He snarls towards us causing me to get heated.

"Oh so you're allowed to cheat but I'm not? That's how this works?" I bite back with equal hostility. I am not backing down this time and I'm certainly not running away.

"Wha...that's can't..." He stumbles over his own words, conflicted on how to retaliate.

"Exactly my fucking point. Now get out, I'm kinda busy here." I glare at him before going back to grinding on Lucas.

Just as I moan his name, I'm yanked away by none other than Jake fucking Webber. I immediately slap his arms away and turn on him.

"What the fuck is your problem!?" I scream at him, ready to pounce and knock him the fuck out.

-Time skip-

Jake had kicked Lucas out even after my protesting and aggression. If he thought I was mad before than he hasn't seen shit yet.

He turns to me as we stand in the kitchen once more, the place where we seemingly always end up fighting in.

"Answer my question." I snarl in his direction although he doesn't seem too fazed by it this time.

"My problem is you bringing in random strangers into our house and then fucking them!" He suddenly shouts, not caring if he wakes the roommates up.

"Oh so you'd prefer I go to their place like you did yeah?" I raise an eyebrow as I study his reaction. His eyes widen at the sudden callout before he turns defensive.

"You were just doing the same thing so you have no right to scold me." He glares and I do a double take upon hearing his words.

"Excuse me!?" I shriek before continuing, not allowing him to get another word in.

"I fucking did that because you did! I did it to get back at you! Show you that I can do exactly what you did!" By now my hands were flying around as I was gesturing dramatically.

"That feeling you're feeling right now? That's exactly how I felt! Betrayed, hurt, used and thrown aside! It's not fucking fun is it?!" My shoulders heave with the rage swimming within me. My eyes are fierce and if looks could kill, Jake would be so far underground that he would reach hell itself.

He stood silent for a moment before talking again.

"We were past this!" He growls towards the floor, head low and eyes covered.

"You were past it! I wasn't past shit Jake!" Tears of anger fill my eyes but I hold my head high, refusing to let them fall.

"You should've told me that!" He turns it on my once again and I snap.

"How was I supposed to tell you something like that! Maybe you shouldn't have cheated in the first place! We wouldn't be having this conversation if you didn't!" Venom practically drips from my words as I speak.

"Well maybe you should've satisfied my needs better!" That one was like a stab to the heart. I gasp as I stared at him in disbelief.

"That is something you should've fucking told me! I worked my ass off to make you happy, throwing away my own happiness for you! I left my friends! My family! Everything for you!" The tears had started to fall and I couldn't stop them even if I tried so I just let them fall.

"And it wasn't even fucking worth it because you cheated on me! I lost everything! You will never understand the pain you put me through!" My words are menacing and make him take a step back in shock.

I give him a deadly glare before spinning around and marching up the stairs, heading straight to our room to calm down and sleep.

He knew without me even telling him that he wasn't allowed in our room, not while I was in there at least. And certainly not after we just fought. He would either have to sleep in the spare room where I almost just had sex with another guy or on one of the couches downstairs. It was a pretty obvious choice.

I don't care if his back hurts in the morning from the couch, I hope it will if I'm being honest. He deserves every bit of pain he caused me and if we had to start little then that would suffice.

Times up (Jake Webber x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now