『Sewn Ends』

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Ento sat there, his legs crossed under his small frame, upon the floor in front of the crate. His hands were resting in his lap. His face was filled with the will of a young boy's concentration. The crease between his brows twitching slightly as he furrowed them.

 Padmé watched mesmerized. In front of the boy was his tunic and needle with some thread, weaving through the fabric it was made from. 

She had never seen a Jedi, or a force user in this case, use the power of the force in order to do a simple hands on task. There was no need for a thimble, no need for a glove to protect one's hand. No need to power a machine. 

Ento was tailoring his clothes so that they didn't appear all too big on him, the Handmaiden which he knew to be Queen, offered him a lift offworld.

He accepted, not wanting to remain on a world covered in sand and endless violence.

Still, Padmé could see the concentration was taking a toll as she could not only see he moved quickly with the use of the force, but sweat was beginning to form on his brow.

As he finished the tunic an hour into his stay on the ship, he rested it down on the clean floor of the Starship. A small, faint, smile across his lips as he stared at it. 

He wasn't completely fatigued, if anything it felt good to use the force in order to do something menial rather than to survive. He closed his eyes again and took in a deep breath. 

"That was amazing..." She muttered as she picked up the tunic, looking over how well he had done the stitching. Under and over, it was done almost perfectly except for some minor mistakes which couldn't be seen without close observation. "Hardly any mistakes... How often did you use the force for chores back home?" Her eyes flickered over the boy that was a year younger than her.

"Everyday until exhausted. It was how my father trained me in the basics. He also taught me that to fuel my power, I must use my experience and my emotions, but never to let them dictate my actions in a solemn moment." His eye twitched as he could see the memories of his parents last moments in the back of his mind. How they had told him to run because even if he had stayed behind and fought for their land, he would've died in vain.  

Seeing his eye twitch after he spoke, she nodded slowly. She could tell he was in pain even if she wasn't force sensitive. He was good at hiding it, until he shared something about it. 

Normally a thirteen year old would likely be crying, or too jaded to do much of anything. Yet he was able to sit here and use his powers to improve the quality of his clothes.

"Ento, were you born on Tatooine?"

He shook his head at the question, "No. I was born on Hapan, it's never night time there, always filled with light." He smiled remembering the sights that he had when he was around four years old. "However, my father had no freedoms there, especially after he cut himself off from the force... So they ended up fleeing, we ended up here."

"Hapan..." Padmé rubbing her chin slightly in thought, it wasn't a place she was familiar with. However there were thousands of worlds, perhaps even millions. She didn't know them all.

"It's a planet inside of a large nebulae. It's ruled by a Queen Mother, it's a matriarchy." Ento said as he knew the entire history of the Hapes Cluster and its political drama. 

"Like Naboo?" Padmé made a sarcastic smirk across her face evident.

"Hardly as fair and loving," Ento dipped his head slightly and shook his head with a smile across his lips. His eyes then flickered towards the door, looking over Obiwan who was watching from afar. However he paid the Jedi Padawan no mind as he turned his attention back to Padmé.

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