『Into the Foundry』

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The X-70B Phantom-Class Prototype came out of hyperspace at the edge of the Nanth'ri system, directly behind an armada consisting of Thirty Terminus class Imperial Destroyers and a dozen Harrower Class Star Destroyers. It was the Sith Expeditionary Fleet belonging to Darth Malgus, locked in a battle with the Republic Fleet surrounding the Foundry.

"The Cloak has been activated. This is Gemini Thirteen, we are currently closing in on our target, directly ahead, please proceed to the Airlock, Masters." The droid spoke over the internal comm system, sounding rather content.

Ento and Vaylin raised from their seats, where they had been seated for the hours of hyperspace travel that they endured.

"I guess it's time to go..." Ento snickered quietly to himself as he began walking towards the doors leading to the corridor leading to the airlock.

Vaylin shrugged as she followed behind him, the extendable lightsaber pike in her hand.

The explosions and dog fighting outside in the vacuum of space caused the exterior hull to reverberate. For the time being it didn't seem like either side was winning, but there was also evidence of someone using battle meditation.

However even then, it seemed the Sith were hell bent on taking the station and still outnumbered the Republic ships currently present in the system.

"Master Ento, the Foundry Station has multiple entrances and hangar bays. However it seems the Republic has sealed them off. There is only one viable entrance, the asteroid intake. What is your decision Master? Should we force ourselves in through the hangar?"

Hearing the Gemini droid over the comm, he frowned lightly. Going through an intake would mean having to dodge the asteroids right? There was also the chance of the ship being sucked in maybe. Reaching out with the force, he could see outside the ship without being at the bridge of the starship was which was now his.

"Hm... Through the intake," Ento could sense that the very source of the fabled force power being used was eminanting from there. Revan, Ento could sense the former Sith, now Jedi.

"Understood. Heavy maneuvers underway. Prepare to tall," The Gemini droid spoke quickly.

Standing in front of the airlock, Vaylin and Ento locked arms behind each others backs.

Vaylin turned her head over to face him, "This is a really bad idea..."

"I have a good feeling about this," Ento quipped as he gave his gaze to her. "Thrilling, isn't it?"

"Thrilling?" Vaylin creased her brows sensing the danger of what they were about to do. Especially since there was a person on this station that was probably far more trained in the art of lightsabers than they were.

That didn't stop Ento of course.

As the starship briefly entered the intake, the airlock opened and they were practically sucked out of the ship. Being pulled from the ship, they found themselves being thrown downward towards the platform in the center of the intake below.


With the aid of the force, they were able to cushion the fall and avoid any damage, but they still landed hard on their knees causing disorientation.

Revan, a man in armored robes and a hood over his head. He had scars from his Mandalorian Mask dotting his face that featured strong cheekbones and brain facial hair. As he was on his knees, glowing with his power over the force, he raised his head... Looking to the children who had landed in front of him.

He was... Baffled, confused. The former Sith raised a brow at the two teens. "Who... Are you supposed to be?" They didn't look liked Sith, if anything one looked like a Jedi padawan due to his braid.

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