『Fit as a Fiddle』

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Lightyears away the moon of Bogden known as Kohlma, also known as the Moon of the Dead, was given its designation as an everlasting Tomb. It was a known resting place for the Fallen from a War waged on Bogden that lasted a thousand years.

In orbit of Bogden, the moon was shrouded in the shadow of its mother world, hidden from its sun and source of light. Darkness had taken the world, but even in the dark it was far from sleeping. Creatures that were once sentient, humanoids, moved about in their mangled and disoriented ways.

Darth Sidious stepped foot upon the soil of the world as rain poured down on his sickly black cloak. One arm raised above to fix his hood, revealing a sinister looking mechanical arm, graphite colored and crested in gold. The hands were pointed with syringes containing green liquid that dripped at the end.

His yellow eyes glowed from beneath his hooded cloak as they were fixated on a massive stronghold built into the top of a mountainous region. The Bando Gora citadel, home of a Force-Sensitive cult that the Jedi had failed to slay and shrunk away from the challenge of eradicating it.

An evil sneer, Palpatine quested forward,  with in his hand a brand new lightsaber hilt.  He could sense hostile forces converging on his location the closer he got.

He wasn't unseen. Good, that was the way he wanted it.

"This putrid infestation will be of use to me," that golden sheen never left his eyes as he could see masses of shadows moving towards him in the darkness. Purple glowing eyes glaring back at him. "Or it will eradicate itself!"

"Ahahahahehehehe...." The psychopathic Sith Lord laughed at the sight of the force-worshipping cult which had failed to assassinate his Master. He dragged his feet through the mud with a look of excitement and anticipation on his twisted face.

He had lost his arm in a battle, though not at the hands of his opponent, but a mere boy! One who he should have killed, struck at, before trying to assassinate the Queen. 

Though he still wondered how Chancellor Valorum had figured him out. Could it have been the boy? Had Dooku? There were many thoughts in the back of his head, ones he need clarity on, as striking blindly was not something he could do... Not anymore.

His laughter almost turned into a bellow, a darkside scream of rage. Involuntarily, as his new found enemies surrounded him on all sides, he lurched forward and let out horrific sound amplified by the force.

An explosion of force energy emitted from his mouth, tearing the surface of the ground and a path through the rain! The shadows, the cultists who were closing in from the forward front were violently thrown into the air. Some of them were even torn apart by the very darkness that was evident inside of this uncontrolled release!

Activating his saber, emitting a red hue he darted forward. Within the next few seconds he cleaved the head straight off of a cultist wearing a strange horned mask. 

It continued as he fought his way to the fortress, cleaving these beings he saw as mere pests apart with his lightsaber. He used the force to down many of them, electrocuting them, before finishing them off with his sith weapon of choice.

They were like playthings to him. They never stood a chance, and nonetheless, these beings lumbered after him. Most of them didn't even use weapons, they were like cannon fodder. It was clear that these were mere minions, husks, beings whose common sense and free will have been removed through the use of illicit substances.

However the closer he dug into the territory, the more treacherous it became.

Sidious was far from blind in the dark, especially with the use of the force, he could see things people wouldn't even notice in the light of day.

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