『Consensus, Revelations, Guidance』

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Having retrieved Ento Rhade's pack from the Naboo Royal Starship, the Jedi Masters of the Jedi Council gathered in the High Council Tower.

Qui Gon Jin placed the pack on the floor of the primary High Council chambers. "This belongs to the boy we found on the planet of Tatooine," he presented the object that had many of his young friend's personal effects. "This was also found among his things..." Using the force to draw a pad from the backpack, he revealed a datapad.

"Hrmmm..." Yoda leaned forward looking at the item, he sensed nothin special about it.

Activating the item, Jin turned the pad to face the rest of the members of the Council. The datapad revealed a helix formation, highly sequenced if not mutated DNA. It didn't belong to a normal human being.

"His Midichlorian count, based from a recent sampling of his DNA alone, his higher than that of the one I believe is the chosen one."

"What makes you believe this boy isn't the 'Chosen One' instead of the boy, Anakin Skywalker?" Mace Windu caressed his chin as the man spoke, inquiring him on the difference between the two boys he found on Tatooine.

"Anakin Skywalker seems to have been conceived from the force itself... This boy was created by the combination of the Force and Scientific experimentation." Jin gestured towards the pad which continued to show the genetic patterns created through the helix. "He was sculpted and designed with an unknown purpose other than to be one with the force."

"Be one with the force...?" The Kel Dor, Plo Koon, asked as he leaned forward from his chair, overseeing the item in the fellow Jedi Master's hands.

"The will of the force, he follows, does he? Yes, hrmm." Yaddle lifted a hand from her side with the suggestion that the boy was no form of threat.

"That I am not sure, but the force reacts to him differently than any Jedi or Dark Jedi I've encounter before," the Master Jedi informed the others. "It's as if the force itself twists to fit his intent, rather than he himself twisting it to his will."

"Confusing this is... Hrm.."

Qui Gon Jin, a student in the Living Force, understood how this was possible. The boy was connected to the Cosmic Force and had full control over the midichlorians inhabiting him. That or it was the midichlorians which had personified within him that controlled the boy. That was something he didn't assume.

Considering this fact, it was more than likely that this Ento Rhade had been created to study the absolute limits of the Force, but something had surely changed. Iridon Rhade had gone to Tatooine with his family, and after training his son, severed himself from the force.

The boy in essence, was not the Chosen One, he was created for the Force, not by it.

Jin then knelt down and packed the datapad back in with Ento's things. "Now..." The Jedi Master looked to his peers, "The matter of the Sith Lord, the Dark Lord of the Sith, has been identified by Ento himself."

"What?" Mace Windu's hands dropped to his sides, his eyes wide in surprise. "We are still analyzing the assailants belongings! How in the force did he..."

Jin raised a calming hand for the Jedi Master to silence himself, "Prior to his departure from Tatooine, he suffered from a massive vision that rendered him unconscious. He was trying to warn us before he lost consciousness."

"He knew while he was in this very room..." Plo Koon exclaimed quietly to himself.

Yoda rested his hands on his cane, looking over Dooku's former student. "This sith lord who is? Yes, hrrrm?" He seemed to be the most calm, next to Yaddle and her former student.

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