『Set Off』

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"Hello my young friends, it is good to see you two again," Qui Gon Jin stood before the pair of force users who were about to exit the main foyer of the Royal Palace. He was standing by the side entrance of the foyer with Obiwan Kenobi standing beside him.

"Hello there," Obiwan gave a light wave, his hand falling to his side. 

The young Knight's gaze traveled over the two of them for a short instance before he continued on without his former Master. He was going to go join the Queen while his Master remained distracted.

It was strange seeing him without the Padawan braid over his shoulder. Though Ento said nothing as he gave the two of them a light nod. He had a soft stoic expression on as he was deeper in thought than before. 

He and Vaylin had just spent hours talking with the Queen, so they were generally tired.

"It's good to see you as well, Master Dooku is waiting for us to take off," Ento bowed his head slightly, his hand moving up and having Vaylin do the same action. 

A tingling sensation shot through the back of her head as she felt his touch, it made her smirk to herself as she raised her head and looked at the Jedi Master.

Jin raised a brow sensing the connection between the two. However he could feel the attraction from the girl towards Ento, and it wasn't hidden, she was blatantly broadcasting it to those around them. "Hm..." Scratching his chin, his gaze moved towards Ento.

The boy was hard to sense, but with their connection strong, he was a bit easier to feel. His feelings weren't as blatant and were exceptionally tame, controlled. Perhaps he didn't share the same attractions? Or he was to express them differently? He couldn't quite tell, but he was sure it wouldn't be safe to reject her.

Oddly enough though, he could also sense someone else's feelings directed towards Ento, though they were quiet well suppressed. If he wasn't searching for it, Jin would have never sensed the Queen's affections.

"Then I must let you two go, send Master Dooku my regards. I look forward to see what you learn on Serenno." Jin waved his hand lightly in a sagely dismissal before walking off towards the Throne Chambers within the upper levels of the Palace.

Ento watched as he vanished down the corridor before looking to Vaylin.

Returning his gaze, she raised a brow at him with that smirk across her lips. "You touched my head," She ran a hand through her blonde hair, her dark blue hues staring through him.

"Yes?" Ento could sense her attractions towards him, and to him it was similar to the love his parents had shared, but much different at the same time. She wanted to be closer, he could feel it. The way she was broadcasting it more than before, it was clear as day how she felt.

This wasn't familial love, was it? It didn't seem like it. It definitely surpassed that, which made him curious and at the same time cautious. 

Love was a redeeming factor was something he had said much earlier when he was on Coruscant with Padmé. He recognized how his heart was moved by both of them, though firstly Padmé, his attentions were always on her since she had saved him. 

She had given him water, she gave him her lap as a pillow. The girl had even sacrificed her curiosities of Tatooine in order to take care of him. Though after his abnormally quick recovery, he was the one who took care and protected her.

He was the ultimate cause of the Sith's death, but he was not given a rank of Knight when he joined the Order. While he didn't necessarily care, being rather indifferent to that scenario, he was curious as to why he wasn't. Did the Order give all of the credit to Qui Gon Jin who had slew the Sith thanks to Ento's use of the force to destroy the Sith's weapon?

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