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It had been like any other day for the past five months on this world of Naboo. Wake up, freshen up, get dress and walk out the door to go to work while you're still sore from last night's training. It was just like the days he had spent at home on Tatooine, of course, less conservation on water.

As the Scimitar took to landing in the hangar bay of the Naboo Royal Palace, there seemed to be on going drills. Naboo N-1 Starfighters could be seen making their rounds over the city, leaving and returning to the hangar. This meant that they couldn't use a clandestine and covert entrance and ended up remaining uncloaked as to avoid damage from a collision.

Dooku, his disciple and Vaylin, came walking down the boarding ramp side by side. Their eyes tracing over the red and brown pilot uniforms as Security Officers ran around.

"It seems their timing is getting much better than before," Dooku observed to himself outload, he was in his more Count-like attire. A double breasted high-neck tunic with runic designs along the trim. The only thing missing was his Cloak of Serenno, something he still needed to acquire back on his homeworld upon his arrival.

"They seem to be really into these drills," Vaylin watched as one of the engineers tripped, but quickly scrambled back up onto their feet. "It's like that person didn't even fall down..."

"You're not wrong," Ento sniggered lightly at Vaylin's almost indifferent expression.

Vaylin smiled hearing his voice and turned to look at him. "So how did you sleep anyways? Before we got on board, you moved like a protocol droid."

"Quite fine now, thank you," Ento pursed his lips at her observation. He had indeed been waddling about like a protocol droid in the morning, mostly due to the stiffness of his legs.

In the past five months he had literally grown six inches, making him five foot six inches tall. He was standing well over her height and almost reaching Amidalas as she was an inch taller. Ento was still having growing pains in his legs and his arms, his shoulders were also rather stiff.

Dooku had already noticed his rapid growth in a short period of time, though it wasn't surprising. Humans grew at an exponential rate after all, and from the information he gained from the Jedi Order, he was genetically modified. There was no telling how tall he would get, how long he would live, or if he would even age after a certain point due to his strangely high  connection to the force.

The young man looked up to his mentor for a moment, as Dooku was gazing off into space.

"Is something on your mind Master?" Ento asked curiously as they were walking towards the doors leading to the interior of the Palace. 

Dooku looked to his student and smiled faintly, but retained a sternness about himself. "The current developments in the galaxy are becoming worrisome, that is all."

Vaylin looked to the old man and nodded subtly, "I haven't heard anything about my homeworld either. I even searched it through the holonet, there was nothing about it."

Ento looked to the girl with a curious expression on his face. "Perhaps after we travel to Serenno and restore peace, we can travel there... Or in any case, find it."

Dooku looked over the girl as she spoke of her homeworld not being on the holonet, or findable on a navigational map. "The force may guide you home, should you will it." The soon-to-be Count wisely informed, with a rounded gesture with his hand.

Ento smiled mutedly, "There are some regions of space that are nearly impossible to navigate without the use of the force, or a highly calibrated computer, so my father told me."

Their teacher nodded to them as they moved to the throne room in order to greet the Queen. They had to inform Queen Amidala that she was indeed going to have a new pair of Jedi being transferred to Naboo within the next few days.

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