◤girl meets world of: terror◥

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John Quincy Adam Middle School, History Class

Meghan's legs dangled from the desk as she watched Mr. Matthews try to remove the little Farkle from his desk. He was terrified of gym class.

"No no no no no!" He shouts as he holds on for dear life.

"Let go, Farkle. It's only gym class." He tries to tell him in effort of getting him to leave.

"They throw things at me!" Farkle cries out.



There was sound of thunder crashing, which makes Meghan jump and look up at the sky, just before Maya speaks up."I'm the pitcher."

"They make me stand there in front of everybody!" Farkle then tries to to say.

"He's the batter." Riley explains to their father.

"There's a guy behind me in a mask!" Farkle yells once again trying to find another excuse.

"That'd be the catcher, sir." Lucas tells him and everybody starts to head out to gym class. Meghan waits for Farkle with a humorous glint in her eye.

"And then somebody screams." Farkle cries to her father.

"That's the umpire." He explains.

"No, that's Farkle," She corrects and Farkle nods to her in agreement.

"I'm still not gonna write you a note for gym class, Farkle. It's softball. What could possibly go wrong in softball."

Thunder crashes outside again and Meghan jumps once more and this time off her desk, she looks up at the sky, wondering how it was doing that. Maya appears in the door way and clicks her tongue. Farkle is on top of Mr. Matthews in horror.

"Get off." Dad tells him.

Meghan shakes her head and grabs her bag and runs out the door with Maya.

John Quincy Adam Middle School, Gymnasium.

Meghan was more of a soccer girl as she was much better with using her feet. Maya was so good though. She went pitch after pitch and no one managed to get a single one of her balls. It was insane.

"Batter up!" Coach Gleason yells out to them for the next person to come hip.

Farkle starts to panic."It's raining outside. Why are we playing softball inside? We should be playing dodgeball. No, wait! What am I talking about? We should be square dancing. Yeah! We should be swinging our partner! Here look I'll swing Meghan!"

"No, bad Farkle," she warns as he tries to come to her.

"You should be swinging your bat, Farkle. Get in there!" Coach Gleason tells him. "What are you afraid of?"

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