Chapter 3

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I don't own KHR. KHR is owned by Akira Amano. The only thing that's mine is my oc. Enjoy!


I have just realized how destructive I am when bored. Being just as destructive when bored in my past life, I have no idea why that was a surprise to me. Staring at my hands, which are covered entirely in white all-purpose flour I realize how the scene must look to Tsuna and Mom.

I'm sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor, flour covering me head to toe. With a surprised look, or as surprised as I can look, as I know I'm fairly expressionless, I'm staring straight at the two. They just came back from buying groceries for dinner. Something I know from Mom telling a certain sleeping baby. Mom, holding Tsuna, is frozen by the scene in front of her. 

I'm somewhat learning the language in the span of four months that I consider my new life. It certainly helped that Mom likes to repeat things and talk to me and Tsuna a lot. I begrudgingly have to admit talking to babies does help speed up learning. But, I guess I'm not a real baby so I don't know if that applies. 

As my thoughts spiral out of control, I come back to the present as Mom starts laughing, which in turn makes Tsuna start giggling. "Oh Yuki," She says mirth clear in her eyes," what am I going to do with you?"

At her words, I pout. It wasn't my fault. Okay, so I did escape my crib and perhaps somehow, somehow  in a way even I don't know, got my hands on the flour. Somehow getting down from the cabinets and dragging the flour with me, I got to the flour and started playing. I pout even harder, it wasn't my fault. I was bored!

Mom sighs at the end of her fit of hysteria. She walked away, placing the groceries down and placing Tsuna in our crib. She picked me up, carrying me to the bathroom. 

She started mumbling to herself and I strained my ears to listen along. Only catching and understanding even less of the words that she was saying. " cute...troublesome...but not orange..."

I tilt my head, totally confused about what she was saying. My resolve to learn the language strengthened. She shook her head at me and stripped me of the baby onesie that was covered with flour. She turned on the water and tested it before nodding her head in approval at the temperature.

Giggling as she drenched me in water, she started scrubbing me as I determinedly did not look down. I was a girl in my last life, this was uncomfortable but I would get used to it!

I sighed as Mom finished dressing me. I was wearing a black and white onesie. Setting me down in the crib Tsuna and I shared, she made quick work of dressing Tsuna in an orange and white onesie as well. Mom picked us up and dropped us in an enclosed playpen made specifically for us. It was near the kitchen and close enough that she could see everything inside it.

Mom knows if she leaves us on our own then there would be some type of mischief being cooked up. Although me and Tsuna can't talk yet, we have a close bond as twins. 

After Mom had left us on our own to make dinner, Tsuna went to crawl around. We were early crawlers, starting at four months. Instead of crawling, I sat there. I watched him. He started to climb on the giant stuffed bear in the corner of our playpen. Giggling, he sank into the thick fluff of the bear, and I laughed along with him. 

Family. This is what I wanted. In my old life, I was rather detached and apathetic, my days spent revolving around books. I didn't talk with people, including my parents. I only talked with those who read books like me. Leah, no matter how active she seemed, was an avid book reader. Of course, she also liked watching whatever caught her interest. 

I start to crawl over to Tsuna giggling while at it. He stares out from where he is, the bear almost merging with him. I smile and climb on one of the stuffed limbs of the bear. Using it as a prop, I jumped, landing on Tsuna. He stares at me, confused for a second, and he bursts into giggles as I smile widely. 

Mom's laughter joins ours as she leans on the doorway. She walks forward to scoop us up saying, "Yuki, Tsuna, it's time for dinner."

Tsuna gurgles in eagerness as I just unenthusiastically clap my hands together. She walks us to the dining table and places us  in the high table chairs. My least favorite part about being a baby. The food.

She bustles around the kitchen, grabbing her food and our mushed up baby food. Opening the jar, she grabs a spoon and scooped a bit up. She lets it hover at my mouth as she murmurs about opening up for the airplane. 

Mom frowns as I don't open my mouth to accept the food. "Come on Yuki," she softly scolds, "Set a good example for Tsuna. You can do this."

Pausing in my quest to not eat the mushed up food, I reconsider. I do just have to choke it down. And just a bit won't hurt. Right?

I pout at her for a second before hesitantly opening my mouth. Mom cheered as she placed the spoon in and I reluctantly swallowed. "Good job! Now, come on, just a bit more!"

Choking down half a jar was my limit before I turned away, refusing to open my mouth regardless of what Mom said. Tsuna, watching the show, obediently opened his mouth and ate the other half of the baby food. 

She smiles at me, standing up from her chair, saying, "See Yuki, Tsuna ate, he's learning from you! Now I just need to feed you without you struggling."

I paused. What? I watch as she rambles on, while she eats her forgotten food. Cleaning her dishes, she starts to hum. Tsuna stares at me for a second before starting to babble to her humming.

Mom seems to act happier, humming louder, the act almost becoming singing. If there is one thing to say about Mom, it's the fact that she probably could have became a singer.

 Drying her hands from washing the dishes, she picks us up and twirls around. I silently clap my hands to express my glee and Tsuna, more verbal than I, squeals his delight. She dances through the hallway, over to our room. I rest my head on Mom's shoulder, tired from the day. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Tsuna do the same, blinking sleepily. The dancing and humming slowly come to an end as we approach the crib. 

Before placing us in the crib, Mom tenderly kisses us on the forehead. Smoothing the hair I know is gravity-defying, she softly whispers a good night. I watch through half-lidded eyes, as Mom gets changed for the night. Tsuna, next to me, rolls closer to me to cuddle. Mom quietly turns off the light, kissing me and Tsuna on the head again. 

I smile contently as I drifted off in the realm of dreams. This is it. This is what I will protect. My family.

Unbeknownst to me, in the second that my decision was solidified, my eyes flashed orange, with a barely noticeable orange flicker on my forehead.  

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