Chapter 8

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I don't own KHR. KHR is owned by Akira Amano. The only thing that's mine is my oc. Enjoy!

Okay, there is a large time skip. Yuki and Tsuna are now eight years old. They were two in the previous chapter and now they're eight. Just warning you.


I took a deep breath and observed Tsuna from behind a tree. It was very stalkerish of me, I admit. But, I haven't seen Tsuna for a long time. It was only now that I had escaped and lost the pursuers that were trying to find me that I could go home. 

And it was wonderful, yet at the same time horrible. I wanted to get closer to Tsuna and Mom, but at the same time, I couldn't. 

My doubts plagued me. Would they remember me? How have they been? Are they still the same? Is Tsuna okay? Is Mom still the same? Do they hate me?  

Are they okay?

I was watching Tsuna peacefully relax on a bench at the park. Suddenly, my intuition rang. After all these years, I had learned to trust my intuition, no matter what it says. Now, it was warning me of a danger, not to me, but to Tsuna. 

I was on guard as a group of boys, the same age as Tsuna, appeared. A loud, mocking shout came out from the ringleader. "Heh, if it isn't Dame-Tsuna."

What was that? Dame-Tsuna?

Dead. That's what they would be.


I really didn't think this through. That was my main thought as I stood in front of a cowering group of boys.

My eyes glowed briefly as I growled my last warning to them. "Scram."

Immediately, they ran away. I heard a slight whimpering behind me. Tsuna. Slowly and cautiously, I turned around and gathered up my killing intent, not wanting to scare him. "Are you okay?"

He was defensively curled up, whimpering. "Who are you? Wh-why do you sound familiar? How do you know me? What do you want?"

I felt crushed. The first meeting I got with my brother, and I absolutely ruined it. My voice turned uneasy before smoothing out. It was hoarse from lack of use, yet still mellifluous. "Um, so yeah. I'm just--I'm just. No. Uh, you should go home."

He started to uncurl from his defensive position on the bench, and then shakily stood up. Seeing that he was fine, I dejectedly turned around to go find something else to do. That's right, I need money and a place to live. Stumbling over to Namimori wasn't my best idea, especially unprepared.

As I started to walk away, a timid voice interrupted my thoughts. "H-hey. Do you want to go to my house? B-but just as thanks for helping me."

I turned around with a cheerful aura around me. Nodding my head quickly, I said, "Sure! Thanks!"

Tsuna swallowed nervously. He got up and started to lead me back to the house. He was tripping over flat surfaces as he walked. Walking next to him, I made sure to catch him as he fell each time.

He muttered a quiet thanks as he righted himself, embarrassed. I smiled and continued walking behind him. Passing people, Tsuna's head slumped further down, almost staring at his shoes. Seeing as he couldn't see behind himself, I took it upon myself to glare at the people who glared at us.

Immediately they stopped and turned away, looking scared. I smirked. I'm finally reunited back to my family, whether they know it or not. I will protect them.

We made our way back to the house, and I hesitantly walked in. Tsuna called out once he made it in without tripping.

A sweet voice echoed back. "Welcome home! I'm in the kitchen making lunch, are you hungry?"

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