Chapter 14

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[The Situation]

It was beautiful. A misunderstanding of the ages. 

There was a call. To be exact, a call about Tsunayoshi Sawada's kidnapping. 

Now, the first thing to know about Iemitsu Sawada was that he was 1) kinda stupid, 2) an airhead, and 3) a blond airhead. 

(Well, Lal Mirch would call him a dumb fuck because stereotyping was bad. She was very forward-thinking like that. She also said that it was a stereotype that Japanese people were polite, which was a stereotype that didn't fit him in the least, so people shouldn't stereotype, because if she had to think about how it was stereotyped for him to be polite and stern and hard-working rather than the lazy mess she got then she would probably kill him to ask management for another.)

The thing about being the stereotype of a blond airhead was that people didn't really take him seriously. And yeah, Iemitsu knew himself. He was aware. He knows that he was an airhead. Hey! He could be serious sometimes. Hmph! 

But he didn't climb that far up by not managing his weaknesses. In the beginning, he had written everything down. And by everything, it was everything. This came in handy, you see. Especially with killer instinct. 

But Iemitsu's on top now, and he can use assistants to cover for his shortcomings. 

And one of those assistants' jobs was using the phone. Well, part of it was; there were lots of threatening calls. You really can't keep your phone number off people no matter how many times you change it. Age of technology and all that stuff. 

Back to the point. 

Now, this beautiful misunderstanding. 

The call connected, and when the kidnappers demanded to speak with Vongola's Young Lion. Reason? They have his son. 

Immediately, there's a mad scramble to see if there are any changes with the son of Vongola's Young Lion. And, yeah, there was an attempted kidnapping, but it didn't succeed. So Iemitsu just tossed this call to the back of his mind, because even he could figure out something like this. More important things to do. 

(...He's not dumb. Not that much. Well. He is. But— Okay, he doesn't have a defense.)

The assistant concluded that it was a bluff, even as the kidnappers hollered about another kid they had there, it was ignored. And, well, the son of Vongola's Young Lion had some pretty big prestige that comes with his father's title. Heck, even the Vongola part is enough to scare lots of people away. There's gotta be bodyguards. Add in the mafia part: Kid Bodyguard. Boom.  

And there's the misunderstanding. 

The son of Vongola's Young Lion is not a secret. Definitely not. Especially as the assistant handles all of the correspondence between the Young Lion and others. There's lots of juicy gossip. Information is spread, and those in the know all add their bit about it. Like, Iemitsu. Somehow repopulated. This kid's gotta have bodyguards. So there's bodyguards in Namimori. Why be worried? Obviously the kid will be fine. A bit of trauma is now all the rage! Basically a coming of age, now!

Smoothly, the assistant cuts in through the kidnapper's ransom talk, "Sorry, seems like you just got a bodyguard. Just so you know, those people are pretty replaceable." Callous, but plenty true. 

The assistant hung up. They sighed and patted themselves on the back for a job well done. Now they'd just have to write up a report about the situation and try to identify who would attempt the kidnapping. 

It was glorious, and Lal Mirch would curse on the day she found the incorrectly written and unfiled report. 

("Years," she hissed, slamming her hand down on the desk. "How did you miss another kid for YEARS?!"

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