01. Training

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I woke up at the normal time - the asscrack of dawn. I was a soldier in Rome even though I was a woman. I had managed to join without anyone finding out. It was a hard life, trying to hide my identity while also training with all the other men. We wore similar clothes so I could hide myself more. Plus I acted like the guys. I cursed like the guys. I was one of the guys. They didn't have any reason to believe that I wasn't. I had even changed my name from Cassia to Cassius so there wasn't any suspicion of who I was.

I rushed out of the barracks, trying not to fall behind my fellow soldiers. My best friend and the only person who knew I was a female, Atticus, got into step with me. We smiled at each other before looking ahead. We got to the main field and got into our different legions. I was in Captain Draco's legion. He was pretty attractive though I couldn't be with him. He was too handsome and a higher officer than her.

As I thought about him, Draco walked passed, almost scaring me. I did jump a little and inhale sharply. Draco looked back at me with a raised eyebrow. I was in the front row so I had to face him as our instructions were given for the day. My face was flushed with embarrassment but I tried not to let my smile curve into an awkward and embarrassed smile. Draco looked back at me, smirking. We had talked a few times and he had even given me a few compliments about my skill as a fighter in all forms. I took Draco's compliments to heart, as I knew his compliments were rare and very hard to come by. Getting one meant that I was good. Getting scared by something as simple as my captain walking by was just embarrassing.

"You okay there, Cassius?" Atticus murmured to me.

I nodded. "Yeah, of course. Just startled by something. It doesn't matter though. I'm fine."

"Because you're staring at that fine captain of ours," Atticus replied under his breath.

"Not at all," I snapped.

Atticus gave me a look, his eyes looking me up and down. "I see you."

"Shut up!" I hissed, glancing at the captain. He looked back at the same moment and caught my eye, smirking as he did so. I looked straight ahead, biting my lip so I didn't give anything away.

"You okay, Cassius?" Draco asked.

I nodded. "Of course, sir. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Just making sure," Draco replied. "I want to make sure that one of my best soldiers is okay."

I smiled, looking down as I smiled. I didn't have time to answer before the general of the army began speaking to the entire army. We all listened dutifully, looking ahead. When we were dismissed, we followed our captains to the different training areas we were sent to. All the soldiers in the same legion as me gathered around Draco to get instructions. We had to run drills with our swords. I was one of the best swordsmen in the legion.

We were paired up and I was put with Atticus. We got to an open area and started fighting. It was more play fighting than actual fighting. I still beat Atticus and disarmed him multiple times.

As we fought, I noticed Draco and another officer out of the corner of my eye. I grinned, going after Atticus even harder. I disarmed him again and knocked him to his feet. Offering out of my hand, I helped him to his feet and glanced at Draco. He nodded to me as he came closer.

"You're going a good job, Cassius," Draco complimented. "Soon you'll be a lieutenant."

My lips curled up a little more. "That's good. And thank you, sir."

"You're one of my best soldiers after all," Draco said. "Compliments are in order."

I shrugged. "There are others better."

"But none are like you," Atticus said. "Take a goddamn compliment like a man. You are the best and you know damn well that you are."

I smiled. "Thanks. I do have the best captain after all."

Draco was beginning to look uncomfortable and I found that doing that was my new favorite thing to do. He would shift on his feet and his eyes moved away from me for a moment.

"I want my soldiers to be the best." Draco's voice had shifted nervously. "You are no exception, Cassius. You just have a natural ability with your weapons. If you need any help or more practice, don't be afraid to come to me for help."

I nodded. "Of course, sir."

"Not get back to training," Draco commanded. "Break isn't for another two hours."

"Yes sir," Atticus and I replied at the same time.

We fought for the entire time. I had a smile on my face the entire time. Atticus knew my every move and I knew his too. I dodged and swiped, Atticus mirroring my moves. It was a dangerous dance that I loved. A dance I wouldn't have known if I became a housewife instead of a soldier. Army life was a better choice for me. I might have been disowned by my family but I was happy. I was in a place where I was seen as an equal and had all the friends I needed. My parents may have shunned me but the people around me wouldn't. But if they found out I was a female named Cassia and not a male named Cassius, I could be. And then I was going to be alone in a world made for men. But I would be damn sure I would make it as best as I could.

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