12. Dinner With The Parents

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I woke up with Draco. We got dressed and left together. It was going to be a long day of training and it was going to end with dinner at Draco's childhood home. I was nervous but I knew that they'd like me. I was a fighter and I wouldn't go down without a fight, even if it meant fighting for approval. I had just hoped that they wouldn't think of me as 'too manly' because of my career as a soldier.

Draco and I got to the training center, separating as soon as we stepped in. I joined the other soldiers. It was going to be a busy day of training and mock battles. I would be seeing Atticus a lot as well. I haven't been seeing a lot of him since I moved in with Draco. He was my best friend and I didn't want to lose him because I didn't see him as often.

I was surprised when Atticus grabbed my sides. I screamed and shoved him away. He laughed loudly, his laughter echoing against the walls. I shook my head, continuing down the hallway. Atticus fell into step with me as we headed toward the armory. As we joined the others, I began to fit right in with everyone else. They all knew me. I was Cassius, the ever so popular soldier.

Halfway through the day, we were given a break for lunch. Atticus and I sat in the shade, eating some fruit. Draco came into the training arena, paying me no mind as he started talking to my commanding officer. I watched him for a moment before turning back to my food and the conversation I was having with Atticus. Draco left a few minutes later, nodding toward us in a final acknowledgment. I nodded back, smiling a little.

"How has your relationship been?" Atticus asked quietly.

"Great," I replied. "I'm meeting his parents tonight and the wedding is still on."

"It's a bit late to meet the parents," Atticus commented.

"I know but I have to meet them before the wedding," I said. "It'll be kind of a surprise to meet your son's new wife at the wedding."

"They'll like you," Atticus said.

"I know," I said. "They have to. We're getting married this summer."

"That's soon," Atticus commented.

Before we could finish the conversation, we were pulled back into training. It went on for hours and I was almost late to meet Draco. He was still in his office though so he hadn't left without me.

When he saw me, he stood up and hugged me. "Good to see you. Ready to go?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Are we going straight to your parents?"

"Yeah," Draco replied. "We should leave. They're expecting us."

I took his hand. "Then let's go. I'm starving and I bet your mom makes delicious food."

Draco led me out of the room. "She does. Mothers always tend to do that."

I dropped his hand when we left the building. He led me to his parents' house. Their house was big and beautiful. It was made out of marble and had gardens behind a fence. We barely made it to the door before it was thrown open and an older woman rushed out. She stopped at the porch stairs and stared at us for a moment before flying down the stairs to meet us. She tackled Draco in a hug, speaking rapidly. I waited patiently beside him, smiling as my hands were clasped behind me.

She finally looked at me and smiled. "You must be Cassia, the female soldier my son is dating. We don't see many of you in our military."

I smiled. "I worked hard to be where I am today. It's nice to meet you, Ma'am."

She took my arm. "No need to call me that. It makes me feel old. You can call me Livia or Mother. Now, please come in. Dinner is waiting on the table."

Livia led us inside and into the dining area. An older man was already in there. He certainly was Draco's father, as they looked very similar. He stood up when we walked in.

He took my hand, shaking it firmly. "It's nice to finally meet you, Cassia. I've heard a lot about you. My name is Sirius."

I smiled. "It truly is. Hopefully all good things."

Sirius grinned. "Of course. My son spoke nothing less of wonderful women like yourself."

I laughed as I sat down. "Thanks. Everything looks delicious."

"My wife is a wonderful cook," Sirius said. "We have cooks but she always has to help."

"I'm not that good if I'm being honest," I joked. "I spent most of my life in the military and they don't really teach people how to cook."

"What brought you into the army?" Livia asked.

"My parents put me in," I replied, bringing a napkin into my lap. "My parents believed that women should have equal rights and opportunities as men. But of course, I had to hide my identity so I could be in the army. But I fought for my spot there and I got to meet Draco, so I think I did pretty good."

"Of course," Sirius responded. "We're lucky you're here either way. You'll be a great addition to our family."

"Have you began thinking about having children?" Livia asked.

I choked on my drink and covered my mouth.

"No, we haven't," Draco spoke for me. "We haven't even gotten married yet so it's not on our minds."

"What is the plan for the wedding?" Sirius asked.

"It's going to be this summer," Draco replied. "Most likely near the end so that extended family can travel down for it."

"Do you have anyone to officiate it?" Sirius asked.

I shook my head. "We haven't looked into anyone yet. We still have a lot to talk about."

"We're here to help you when you need it," Livia said. "We're always here for you two."

Sirius brought his drink to his lips. "How did you two meet by the way?"

I took Draco's hand. "We knew of each other while in the military. I've worked under him for years and we finally started talking when we went on the mission to save the city."

"I remember that," Livia said. "How was that?"

"It was tiring and long," I replied, "but I finally got to know Draco more in-depth and I'm glad for that."

"We are too," Livia said. "We never had a daughter. Only sons."

"Really?" I asked. "My mother had all daughters. She did have twin boys a few years before I was born - I'm the oldest of six - but they were taken by fever at only a few months."

"I'm sorry about that," Sirius sympathized. "I know what it's like to lose a child at a young age."

"I apologize," I said. "I would give anything to meet my older brothers. But I know that they're happy wherever they are."

"Well now you have brothers on this side of the family," Livia said.

"That's great," I said. "Where are they now?"

"They're in the military as well," Draco responded. "They're stationed in a different part of Rome but they'll be there for the wedding."

"My sisters will be there too," I said. "They're on the younger side as they're still in their teen years."

"That means you can't be more than mid-twenties," Livia exclaimed.

"Twenty-four," I replied.

"How old is your next sister then?" Sirius asked.

"Twenty," I replied. "We're each about four years apart though my two youngest siblings are only two years apart."

"You're quite young," Livia said. "A bit too young for my son but that's alright. You're a wonderful woman and I need a daughter."

I nodded, smiling a little. We finished dinner and moved to the main room of sorts. We sat around and talked, getting to know each other more. I learned a lot about Draco's family and his life growing up. He was an interesting young man. We left as the sun was going down. We returned to our house as the last rays of sunshine were disappearing under the horizon. It was a nice afternoon and I enjoyed it. Draco's parents were very nice and liked me a lot, which was great because the wedding was coming whether or not they wanted it or not.

Right In Front Of You (Clash of the Titans/Draco Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن