07. Dinner with the Parents

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I rolled onto my side, the blankets rustling around me. The bed was empty, giving me the space to stretch my muscles out. I sighed as I moved to my stomach, looking around the room. It was silent but I could hear someone moving around on the floor below. Draco's apartment was very luxurious and big. The perks of being a captain, I guess.

I got up and pulled on one of Draco's shirts. It was large on me, covering everything that needed to be covered. I went downstairs and joined Draco in the kitchen. He was in nothing but a loincloth, looking hotter than I had ever expected. He glanced at me, a little smile on his face. He turned away, finished breakfast before turning toward me with two plates of food in his hands.

He pecked my lips before moving to the table. "Goodmorning. How'd you sleep?"

"Morning to you too," I replied, joining him for the meal. "It looks good. Are you much of a cook?"

Draco got utensils, giving a set to me. "Yes, actually. I enjoy it a lot, even though it might not look like it. I used to cook for my family but . . . it doesn't matter now."

"You had a family?" I asked. "I hope I'm not the side piece."

Draco waved his hand as he dug in. "No, you're not. They were taken long ago in a war long forgotten. I miss them every single day but I've moved on. They were the light of my life and when they left, I didn't have anything to light my way. But then I found you. You're my light, Cassia."

I smiled a little. "Thank you and I'm sorry about your loss. I can't imagine losing my family like that."

"It was hard. I have made peace with their deaths," Draco said. "Are you all rested?"

I nodded. "Yeah. My muscles are a little sore but I'll be fine. What about you?"

"I am as well," Draco replied. There was silence for a moment. "Is it just me or is it awkward?"

"Yeah, a little," I replied. "I don't think we've talked about the thing that happened."

Draco set his utensils down and looked me right in the eye. "I love you, Cassia. I'm not going to deny my feelings for you. We kissed last night. I enjoyed it and I know that you did too. I know that we felt a real connection on the quest. Don't tell me you didn't feel it too."

I poked at my food, thinking of a response. I did feel that connection and I wanted to follow it. I had a feeling that the Fates had something to do with whatever we had. He was my captain and if we started dating, it could come out that I was a woman. A woman in the army where women weren't allowed to do anything that their husbands or fathers wouldn't allow them to do. But the thing with Draco felt real and felt so good. So I decided to jump in feet first without fear of what would happen.

I looked Draco in the eye. "I felt it. And I love you too."

Draco smiled, a little chuckle coming from his lips. "I knew I wasn't the only one. Do you want to move in here with me?"

"You're moving a little too fast for me, tiger," I said. "I'm fine in the barracks for now but in the future, I will. We just started out, you know, and I can't throw myself into something that just began."

Draco nodded. "Yeah, it makes sense. The Guard, or what's left of it, has been given a few days off for rest so you can see your family. You can introduce me if you want. I don't know what we are but I want to meet your parents."

A spoonful of food slowed down my answer. "I can do that. My parents always wanted me to meet someone but they knew it could possibly end my career in the military. They hoped for children too but I never liked the idea of getting pregnant. The very idea of that makes me nauseous. I hate it. Plus a lot of women die from childbirth and I have a future in the army. I don't want to give that up."

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