11. Shopping

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I got up before Draco and started making breakfast. I was in an old shirt of Draco's and that was it. I was almost done with Draco came in tiredly. His hair was a tangled mess and wasn't in braids. It was beautiful and sexy. He kissed the base of my neck and got some plates for us. I finished up the food and scooped food onto the plates.

We sat down at the table and started eating. It was quiet as we began waking up. It felt too early to start talking but I knew that if I was at the barracks, I would have been up much earlier.

I sat up. "When do I get back to work?"

"Tomorrow," Draco replied. "I was thinking we'd go shopping today."

"For what?"

"Food, mainly. We don't have much," Draco said. "Maybe a few other items as well. We'll have to see what the markets have."

I got up. "Okay. I'll get dressed."

I went upstairs and changed into a dress. I decided to dress more feminine instead of masculine. So it was a flowy blue dress and some older sandles. I went into the washroom as Draco got ready. I braided my hair and added a bit of perfume.

At the same time that I stepped out of the washroom, Draco came out of the bedroom. He stopped, staring at me with wide eyes and his jaw on the floor. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him lightly.

He took me in his arms. "It's taking everything inside of me not to marry you right now, Cassia."

I smirked. "What's stopping you? Because it's certainly not me."

"You're going to be the death of me, woman," Draco warned.

"I hope so," I replied. "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."

Draco gripped my waist momentarily before pulling away. "Let's go. The markets await us."

I took his hand in mine as we left the house. We walked to the center of the city and wandered around. We picked out a few pieces of fruit and other food items for the next few days. I stepped away from Draco's side to look at some spices being sold. I chose a few, handing over some money and taking the pouches of spices.

I rejoined Draco at a fruit stand. We picked up a few pieces. Draco chose some pieces of meat for our dinner that night while I got some fresh bread. We weren't always next to each other but we never strayed too far away from each other's gaze. Draco seemed to want to keep me close in case something happened.

We finally started to head home after spending all day at the markets. As soon as we got home, Draco started making dinner. I sat down in the living room to briefly read a book before I began to help with dinner. I was finally pulled from my book when Draco called me into the kitchen.

I helped with what I could. When it was all done, we decided to eat outside. Draco had a few chairs on the patio that looked out over a beautiful yard. I sat down before Draco, waiting for him to come to sit down before I began to eat.

When Draco did, he had a serious look on his face. "I want you to move in with me."

"Like all the way?" I asked with my mouth full.

Draco nodded. "Yeah. With all your clothes and things. I want a future with you and that involves you being here in my house with me."

I nodded. "I'll move in here. I'm here all the time anyway."

"What will your parents think since we're not married?"

I shrugged. "I don't think they'd care. They like you. Besides, we're getting married soon, right?"

Draco nodded. "Yeah. What date do you want to set it?"

I put some food in my mouth. "Sometime this summer. I love the season and we can have it outside."

"Where do you want it?" Draco asked. "Here or your parents?"

"What about your parents' house?" I asked. "I actually don't think I've met them."

"You will," Draco said. "We can go there for dinner after training tomorrow."

I shoved some food in my mouth. "Can't wait. I love food. Especially free food. Remember the banquets we used to go to?"

Draco smiled a little. "Of course. I used to go to those and parties all the time,"

I covered my mouth as I chewed. "When? A hundred years ago?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I think I'd be lucky to make it to a hundred."

"You'll be lucky to make it to fifty."

Draco shoved me, almost causing me to fall out of my chair. I started laughing hard enough that I started to choke on some food. Draco chuckled along with me, shaking his head softly. We sat outside for a while until we finished eating. Not bothering with helping with dishes, I went to bed. I was exhausted from training and was too tired to do anything. I fell into bed and snuggled into the blankets. Draco came in as I was falling asleep. I felt his lips against my cheek as my conscience slipped out of my grasp.

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