03. Spying Eyes

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I leaned against a wall by the front gate, waiting for Draco and the other soldiers. My stuff was in a bag at my feet, my weapons already on me. Draco was supposed to be there soon. He was giving me anxiety every moment that went past.

But he showed up with a bunch of other soldiers. I picked up my bag and joined them, walking beside Draco and an unfamiliar young man. Draco was talking to the unknown man. I stayed quiet, listening intently.

"And this is Cassius, the allstar here," Draco introduced. "I trained him to be the best and he's risen the ranks fast. Cassius, this is the son of Zeus, Perseus."

I nodded my head. "Hello, Perseus."

He stared at me for a moment. "It's nice to meet you, Cassius."

Draco informed Perseus on a few other things while I listened. We walked for a long time before we camped for the night. The tents and campfires were set up. We began to rest and relax some. I sat on a fallen log beside a few other soldiers. We joked around and even roughhoused with each other. There was rarely a time that I didn't have a smile on my face. These guys were great.

I glanced over at Draco. He was staring at me as he chewed on an apple. He nodded a little and looked down at his hands. I watched him for a moment. Draco had a tough exterior with a gruff way of treating others. Except for me. He complimented me and made sure I knew how good I was. I didn't know if it meant that I was actually good or that he liked me. If he did like me, he liked me as a man named Cassius, not a woman named Cassia. And I didn't know what was worse than that. That he didn't know my true personality or who I truly was.

It was later in the night when everyone decided to go to bed. I curled up with the others. I was close enough to Draco that I could see his face in the dim light the dying fire was giving off. His eyes were closed and he looked at peace. His gruff look was attractive and I loved it. I had to admit that I was attracted to him but it had to stay like that.

I fell asleep with nothing important on my mind. It was a restless sleep. The ground was harder than the cots at the military base and though the smell of the forest was calming, it didn't help me fall asleep. I was used to the smell of men and leather. But it was the unfamiliar smell of trees and foliage - a smell that I loved and very much appreciated - that was keeping me up.

I was woken up with a kick to the leg. My eyes shot open and I sat up with a start. Draco was standing over me with a frown. Without saying anything, he turned away. Struggling to my feet, I rushed to pack my things and get ready for the day. My stomach grumbled a little as we started down the path. I was under the impression that we weren't getting breakfast. It wouldn't be the first time I skipped breakfast.

During the time we walked, I made it to the front of the line, just behind Draco. I stumbled on a rock, almost reaching out to grab Draco's arm. Instead, Perseus caught me. I thanked him and looked ahead, catching Draco's eyes before he looked ahead. We continued and settled down for a quick lunch around noon.

It was certainly quick as Draco ordered us to our feet not ten minutes later. I shoved the last bit of food into my mouth as I got up, walking a few feet behind the attractive as the Underground captain. He had a nice ass under that leather skirt of his. Nice leg muscles too.

"Admiring the captain?" Perseus murmured to me under his breath.

I rolled my eyes, trying to keep my face straight. He was not Atticus. "No. I'm only looking ahead. Is that illegal? Because I'd have to gouge my eyes out by sun fall."

"You have quite the sharp tongue, Cassius," Draco called over his shoulder.

I laughed. "Not the only thing that's sharp, sir."

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