08. Back At It

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In the morning, I got ready for work. It had been a few days since we returned home from the quest and I was getting antsy to get working again. I needed to have a structure in my life again and getting to work would do that. Besides, I hadn't seen Atticus very much since returning and I was dying to give him every juicy detail of everything that had happened. He was my best friend after all.

I pulled my hair back as I entered the kitchen. Draco was already making breakfast. He greeted me with a kiss and a squeeze on the ass. I jumped but smacked his upper leg. Draco grabbed my hand and kissed me roughly. I whined in complaint but kissed him back. He squeezed my ass one more time before pulling away.

"Good morning," he said gruffly, his face barely an inch away from my face.

"Good morning, my love," I replied. "I'm returning to work today. Are you going to be there too?"

Draco nodded. "I have some meetings and reports to give. I will see you at training though. I have no doubt that Atticus will be glued to your side from now on?"

I pecked his lips. "Without a doubt. Is breakfast done? Because I have to run."

Draco handed me some food and I was out the door in no time. I returned to the training grounds and the barracks, a place I found comforting. Atticus and I found each other in no time, running toward each other to greet each other in soul-crushing hugs. Since returning, I hadn't seen Atticus very often and I needed my best friend at my side again.

Atticus set me down and grabbed my face, holding me close. "I missed you so much, Cassia. Don't ever disappear on me like that."

I hit him in the stomach. "I didn't disappear on you. I told you where I was going."

"But there wasn't a guarantee that you'd return." Atticus pulled away. "You're my best friend and I wouldn't know what I'd do without you. Now I want every detail about you and Draco. You were being very vague when you mentioned that you two were together. I want every single last detail and I want it now."

"Okay," I replied. "I'll tell you as we go to the training grounds."

As we walked, I told him about how I got closer to Draco and how everything went. Atticus listened closely and gave a few words every once and a while. When we arrived at the training grounds, my story had ended. Atticus paused, watching some soldiers practice fighting.

He looked at me within the moment. "He's a good man for you and I'm glad you finally had to courage to be with him finally."

I rolled my eyes, shoving him. "Whatever. Let's go to practice. Our captain's gonna be mad that we aren't doing something."

Atticus laughed. "He's courting you. He won't say anything if you're screwing around with your best friend."

I laughed. "Man, I missed you so much. Do you want to go fight like old times?"

Atticus grinned at me. "Of course. Race?"

I grinned back at him and dashed for the training grounds. Atticus was right behind me but I made it there first. I skidded to a halt and threw my fists in the air, cheering at my win. Atticus chose to put me in a chokehold and wrestle me to the ground. I rolled with him, twisting away at the last moment. I rolled away, ending on my knees. I whipped out my knife, a grin on my face as I made eye contact with Atticus.

Atticus matched my expression and lunched to grab my knife. I rolled past him, kicking his side. He ended up sprawled across the ground. I stood up, getting into a fighting position with my hands in front of me. Atticus got to his feet, immediately going for me. I fell backward, Atticus on top of me. We rolled around on the ground for several moments. It was rough and dirty. Atticus and I never fought without a few dirty moves thrown in.

I ended up on top. One knee was pinning one of his arms down while my knife was placed against his neck. His other arm had been pinned under his arm but with my weight on top on him, he couldn't move it. We were both panting and covered in dirt but grins were spread on our sweaty faces.

I got off of Atticus and helped him to his feet, shaking his hand. "Good fight, Atticus."

Atticus nodded. "And to you as well, Cassius. Do you want to get some food?"

I nodded, brushing some loose hair out of my face. "Yeah. I'm starving."

We headed to the marketplace, where we wandered around. We found some fruit and bread, eventually finding a place to sit down to eat on some stairs of a building. We hung out in the city for the rest of the afternoon. We returned to the training center around dinnertime. I wasn't quite hungry at that time. Atticus and I were stopped by Draco.

"Where have you two been all afternoon?" Atticus asked.

"Around the city," I replied. "We trained, don't worry. We weren't jacking off the entire time."

Draco tucked his thumbs in his breastplate. "I hope not. Now get back to training. I don't want you two to get in trouble."

"Yes, sir," Atticus and I replied at the same time.

We went to go to the training area but Draco grabbed my arm to stop me. He waited until Atticus was gone to actually speak.

"I want you to come home with me tonight," Draco said.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Draco shrugged. "I don't know. I thought that you might want to stay in the barracks to see some of your friends but I want you to come home with me. Tonight's the night."

I looked straight into his eyes. "You really want to do it tonight?"

Draco nodded, shrugging again. "If you want to, yeah."

I nodded. "Yeah, of course. I want to do it."

"I'll see you at home then."

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