14. Wedding

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I woke up alone. It was the day of the wedding and Draco was very superstitious about it. He didn't want to see me until I walked down the aisle.

Getting up, I started getting into my dress. The few women I knew that were allowed to see me came in as I was slipping on my dress. They helped me get the rest of it on and sat me down in front of a mirror. They started bickering over what to do with my hair but it was ultimately left up to me. I chose a braided bun. It would have to have a few pins in it.

I was escorted out of the house and rushed to the building where the wedding was at. Everything was already set up and there were already family members sitting in the chairs. I was ushered into a back room to wait for everything to start. It was a hot day so there was already a layer of sweat on everybody.

Eventually, I was called into the main hall. My father took my arm and led me down to where Draco stood. He was looking away from me until I was halfway down the aisle. When he looked at me, he teared up and covered his mouth. Smiling, I was taken to the altar and took Draco's hands. He had the biggest smile on his face and was absolutely ecstatic to be there.

We made the ceremony short so that we could go straight to the reception. But standing there in front of Draco, I hoped that time would stop. He was handsome all dressed up like the way he was. At that moment, I knew for sure that he was meant for me.

At the end of the ceremony, we kissed. Sparks exploded and I felt everything. It felt amazing. I was finally married to the love of my life. We had been through so much together and we deserved the best out of life from then on.

Draco took my hand, leading me down the aisle. Rice was thrown at us as we passed our guests. I giggled as I held up a hand to cover my face. Draco had a grin on his face as he took me out of the building. We hurried to the house to have a private moment to ourselves.

As soon as the door was closed, Draco pinned me against the wall and kissed me deeply. He had my hands above my head, effectively keeping me in place. I tried to fight it but Draco was strong than me. Only by a little, though. 

Draco pulled away, hovering close to my face. "I love you, my dear wife."

My breaths were heavy. "I love you too, my wonderful husband. We should wait until tonight. After the party and everything."

Draco released my wrists. "Of course, my love. Do you want to get changed or stay in that dress?"

I looked down at my dress. "I'll stay in this. It's a beautiful dress. I think that I'll wear it more often."

Draco placed his hands on my waist. "You look stunning in it. Do you want to head to the party?"

I placed two fingers against my forehead in a mock salute. "Yes, sir."

Draco chuckled. "Move it soldier. We have a mission to accomplish and no time to spare."

"Aye, aye, Captain," I cried, humor weaved into my voice as I slipped my arm into Draco's.

We burst into loud laughs as we stumbled out of the front door. We took our time to go to the building the party was at. By the time we arrived, the party was in full swing. We made our rounds and talked to the multitude of people there. There were a ton of friends and family dancing and eating food. Atticus was there and even a few other soldiers that knew that I, Cassia, was in fact Cassius, the soldier they have grown to know well. They weren't mad. They only had mad respect for me. To make in a world made for men was something to respect.

There was finally a moment that I had to myself. I stood off to the side, watching the party. Everyone seemed so happy to be there dancing and laughing with friends. Everyone was dressed up and looking like royalty. I smiled faintly at the little pockets of people. I was happy that they were there for Draco and I. It was so kind of them but at that moment, I needed a moment for myself.

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