9. I Don't Work For You

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Mike's POV

Voice: ''Looks like there are only four sentries on the roof. With the Air Defense grid gone, they're vulnerable to an aerial insertion.''

Me: ''Wait. Let me get there first and check it out.''

I said as I came to the stairs.

Mr. Speaker: ''We're not waiting. We have to secure Cerberus.''

Me: ''Oh, fuck.''

I said and went upstairs with my gun ready. As I came to the last room on top of the White House I check if anyone was there. There was no one. But there was some computer and many black boxes. On the boxes was written Us Army Weapons Prototype Hydra Series 6A.

Me: ''Fuck.''

They are going to use one of our weapons. I heard a sound and I saw that they had a Hydra Six on the elevator. They are going to use it on our man.

Me: ''Tell them to hold.''

Voice: ''We aren't holding shit.''

I was trying to turn off the computer but it was locked.

Me: ''Jacobs, you're gotta abord his mission. They've got the Hydra Six.''

Lynne: ''What's that?''

Voice: ''Next-generation weaponry. Ours.''

Lynne: ''How the hell would they get that?''

Voice: ''It doesn't matter. We'll take it out.''

Me: ''I said abord this fucking mission.''

They will not survive. I must destroy this computer. Just then a man came into the room. I ran up to him and attack him. As I was holding him back with one hand I took my gun and shot him in the leg. I heard another one coming and as he came I shot him in the head. Then I took the man that I was holding as a cover and shoot another man. But then there came a man with a better gun and I pushed a man that I was holding back and kill him with one shot. I hide behind the wall and reload my gun. I heard helicopters. They are here. The hydra six came on the roof and began to shoot. I put my small gun behind my belt and took a bigger gun. First I shot a man in the leg so he fell on the floor and then shot him in the head. I could hear that the helicopters were coming down. I ran to the man that I shot last and took his gun that I know will destroy the hydra six. As I came on the roof I got ready to shoot the motherfucker.

Mr. Speaker: ''Abort!''

I took a chance and shoot the hydra six. I destroy it. But hydra six shoots one of the two planes and that one was coming down. Directly at the White House. I began to run and as I slide down the roof I fell into a hole. But I caught myself. I was about to pull myself up but there came the tail rotor and I had to let go. I fell hard on the floor. My eyes closed.

Evelyn's POV

I was sitting in an ambulance car with a blanket around my shoulders when I heard a helicopter sound.

Nicolas: ''Don't worry miss. It's our army.''

Nicolas was the bodyguard that was watching over me. I looked at him.

Me: ''Have you lost anyone?''

Nicolas nodded his head.

Nicolas: ''I lost my best friend. He was an agent.''

Me: ''I am sorry.''

Nicolas: ''Have you lost anyone?''

Me: ''Many.''

Just then was hear shooting. I jumped from my seat.

Nicolas: ''Miss wait.''

As I came out of the ambulance car and turned my head towards the White House. The helicopters were under attack. Some kind of machine was shooting at them and taking them down one by one. 'O my god.' I covered my mouth with one hand. There were just two helicopters in the air. But then I was someone on the roof of the White House. Who is that? Wait a minute. Mike. He shoots the machine and destroys it. But the machine shot one of the helicopters and it was coming down. Directly at the White House. Mike began to run. Then came a big explosion. The helicopter exploded. 

Me: ''Mike!''

I screamed. My knees become week. I felly arms come around me as my eyes closed.

Voice: ''Miss!'' 

Mike's POV

My eyes slowly opened. Slowly a sat up and lead back to the bead. That was one hard fall. I took some breaths before I call Lynn. 

Lynne: ''Mike?'' 

Me: ''Yeah.'' 

Mr. Speaker: ''We've been trying to reach you, son. Are you okay?'' 

I took some breaths. Deam that was a hard fall. 

Me: ''Mr. Speaker, sir, if we ever get out of this shit storm...you can hold me for insubordination. But your team needs some serious fucking help.'' 

Voice: ''This is General Clegg, Army Chief of Staff. I am ordering you to stand down.'' 

Me: ''Remove your only eyes and ears from the ground. Brilliant.'' 

General Clegg: ''We need to pull you out before we lose another hostage. I am giving you a direct order.'' 

Me: ''Newsflash, asshole. I don't work for you.'' 

Mr. Spekaer: ''General Clegg. I'm the Commander-in-Chief. If I don't absolutely need you I would relieve you now.'' 

General Clegg: ''I will not let him--'' 

Mr. Speaker: ''I don't wanna hear another word out of you unless I ask you a question!'' 

There was silence. 

General Clegg: ''Sir.'' 

Mr.Speaker: ''Mr. Banning.'' 

Just then I felt something sharp with my fingers. I didn't even know that I was bleeding from my stomach. I grabbed and pulled the small piece of glass out of me. I throw it away. 

Mr. Spekaer: ''Mr. Banning, are you there?'' 

Me: ''Yes, sir. What's the plane?'' 

Mr. Spekaer: ''We're recalling the Seventh Fleet, pulling our troops back from the DMZ and giving them the helicopter.'' 

The pain that came from my wound was now hitting me. I took some big breaths. 

Me: ''Sir, you cannot do that. You cannot give the guy what he wants. I've dealt with those types of men before. Give me some time. Let me flush him out.'' 

Mr. Speaker: ''We are talking about the safety of the President of the United States. '' 

Me: ''We're talking about a hell of a lot more than that, sir.'' 

There was silence again. 

Me: ''With all due respect, you're acting president now. And I'm the best hope you've got. '' 

Mr. Spekaer: ''Okay, Mike. You've got 30 minutes.'' 

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