Chapter 1: My Mate

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~In loving memory of Kim Jonghyun. 

May he forever rest in peace and sings with the angels~

Warning, we starting this chappie H O T T T, huehuehue you have been warned.

Up top the delicious Choi Minho uwu

Up top the delicious Choi Minho uwu

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Brasov, Romania

(Near the Transylvanian Alps)

It was the year 2xxx and the mating season was on again on the West European werewolf pack where the Alpha King's home was located since the beginning of their time. But this time it was of grand celebration since the new king ascending to the throne was about to find his mate. Different to other years when the celebration was made at the huge meadow in the middle of the forest, this time it was made at the palace. Everything was at its finest and on point. The golden curtain and flags were shining high and proud, the palace was spotless as always, and every guess was dressed to impress.

Unmated females from the age range of 18 to 25 were in a line on display for the Alpha king. Alphas from all over the world brought their available unmated females for the picking and they were anxious to see who the king would finally pick. Music soon started, announcing the arrival of the King. The previous King and Queen would usually be present but, they decided to take a long honeymoon after the king passed the power to his son. Typical of them to be honest, and it made the new king glad his parents were finally enjoying time for themselves.

As the King passed in front of the females, and nodded at some alphas and pack members, he was waiting for that feeling his parents told him he would get when he finds his mate. That out of breath, delicious smell, heart racing feeling. He was starting to feel disappointed as he got near the end of the line since none of them appealed to him and none made him feel anything at all, not even a tiny spark. As he walked back, a smell invaded his senses like no other. It was sweet, almost sickly so, like honey, white chocolate and morning rain, and it had the power to almost bring him to his knees. Closing his eyes, the King followed his nose, inhaling more of that sweet smell until he found the source.

A young woman, no more than 20, stood up at the far end of the people. Her hair shined light brown, almost like a golden russet as the sunset took place behind her on the floor to ceiling glass windows, long until the top of her shoulders, maybe a bit up and cut in layers. Her bangs cut a little of visibility on her eyes but once he put his fingers under her shin, keeping in mind the tiny sparks that exploded at the touch, and raised her head, he stopped breathing. The most beautiful amber eyes looked back at him, sprinkled with some emerald green. Her lips were full and strawberry pink. They looked rip and ready for the taking. Her cheeks plump and adorable. He wondered if they were as soft as they looked.

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