Chapter 5: The News

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Last Update for today! Remember that chappies 3, 4 and 5 are new!!! 

Next week will be the new updates in the mean time, enjoy and until next week~

Next week will be the new updates in the mean time, enjoy and until next week~

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Taemin's POV:

"No Minnie, I'm not ok." Key sighed and reclined his head on my lap. We were currently sitting on the couch in the living room, waiting for news on the guys while we waited for the food to be done.

"Care to elaborate, oh brother-in-law of mine?"

"...No... maybe.... ugh." he exhaled and sat up, bringing his knees up and hugging them. "What I'm about to tell you does not leave this room ok?" I nodded and he kept on. "I'm mated to Jonghyun."

"I know." I said unsurprisingly calm. To be fair, I had a little gift that only Minho knew about, and it was that I can sense or see when two people are meant to be with each other or mated.

"Huh?! But when? Nobody was supposed to know!" He began to panic.

"And nobody does. I knew by the way you two look at each other and small things like that. I have good eye." I smirked and winked at him. He exhaled in relief, but I knew he still had something hiding.

"Well...there's more. I'm...I'm also...I'm pregnant." He blurted out and exhaled loudly.

"WHAT?!" This is didn't see coming. "Wait, does Jonghyun knows?"

"No. I found out the day that they left so..." he was scared, and I could feel it.

A pregnant male was abnormally rare, and it hasn't happened in more than 500 years, so to be two males pregnant and three mating known so far...things were changing, and I could feel it all the way to my fur and bones.

"Wait...isn't the baby supposed to create a bond between you three? So, in a way he'll know...right?" I ask curiously since it wasn't like that exactly for Minho and me.

"Is not that simple. If the male doesn't know, he'll feel this immense need to protect his mate and will start to know the changes like being able to hear their mate at longs distances and feel everything like pain and things like that. It's like the mating bond has amplified a hundred times and you'll be able to control things better, etc." I thought about it and it was true. I could feel the link between Minho and me stronger and all that...

"I believe that we'll receive a call, soon..." I sighted.

Jonghyun POV :

"So, this is the best area to attack. It's open so we know no one's going to sneak out; and it's away from human population. Also, if we locate here, we'll have the advantage of high ground so we can see when they arrive, leaving out for them the element of surprise." Minho directed out the plan of attack as we planned the best ways.

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